Senin, 22 September 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying approximately 80% of the feed gas to the Bontang LNG Plant in East Kalimantan, one of the largest LNG Plant in the world; providing to the country a source of more environmentally-friendly energy.

• Completion & Work Over Engineer
• Fluid & Cementing Supervisor
• Well Service Engineer
• Marine HSE Engineer
• Logistic HSE Engineer
• Geologist
• Reservoir Engineers

• Facility Project Engineers
• Site Planners
• Pipeline Engineer
• Inspection Supervisor
• Electrical Engineers
• Instrument Engineers
• Construction Method Engineer
• Cost Estimation Engineer
• Piping & Structural Engineer
• Method & QA/QC Engineer
• HSE Supervisor
• Offshore Engineer
• IS Security Engineer
• Telecommunication Engineers
• IS Business Analyst

How to Apply:


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

A leading Oil/Gas Drilling Company urgently requires the following personnel for their expanding Land & Offshore Operations

Rig Manager, Barge Captain, Mate,
QHSE Manager, Rig Superintendent,
Assistant Rig Superintendent,

Driller, Asst. Driller, Chief Mechanic,
Chief Electrician, Electronic Technician,
Cyber Driller, Safety Officer, Store keeper,
Rig Medic, Technical Drilling Instructor, Well Control
Training Instructor, Training Manager

The experience should be on Offshore
Jackup / Land Rigs
(Minimum 5 years experience in similar position)
The applicants must have minimum
High /Technical school
Education, Fluent in English.


Free Food, Accommodation, Medical & Air Tickets, Insurance,
Long Term employment

Those with the requisite Qualification & Experience
may immediately forward their bio-data, 2 photos, copies of
certificates and passport to:

Arabian Drilling Company
P.O.Box: 4110-Al Khobar 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 00-966-3-3301152 Fax: 00-966-3-3300624


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Oil & Gas Job Vacancy

We have a job opening for immediate employment.

HR Generalist

• Have an excellent communication both oral and written English, and presentation skills.
• Knowledge of Government, Company and Corporate regulations and policies related to HR is an advantage.
• Have excellent teamwork, analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills.
• Must have minimum S1 Degree or equivalent.
• Minimum having 3 - 5 years of experience in HR related matters from multinational company.

Acting as an HR Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to Client Management in the whole process of HR functions: Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Training and Development, Employee Relations, and Compensation & Benefit.

Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV to:

This posting will be closed on 6 October 2008. Only very short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
Net Tec Pte Ltd., a Leading Executive Search firm. I would like to take the opportunity to inform you about openings with one of our Prime and Biggest client in oil & Gas
Designation : Quality Engineer
Location : Singapore
Experience : 3 to 5 years
Qualification : B.E/B.Tech/Diploma in Civil / Structural / Building Engineering

Singapore - Quality Engineer

Candidate must possess at least a Professional Certificate/NiTEC, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma or Professional Degree in Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Others), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas) or equivalent.
Required skill(s): Quanlity Management System (QMS).
At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Junior Executives specializing in Quality Control/Assurance or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Malaysian, Singaporean, Filipino, Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Job Description:

Position Summary:
• Assist Project Team in developing systems and procedures in compliance with EMS and customer project requirements
• Provide induction training to Project Team personnel on EMS and customer project systems and specifications
• Assist Project Team in implementing established project systems and procedures
• Assist Project Team in planning and implementation of project design control, verification, validation and review activities
• Assist Project Team in proper and effective project document and data controls, including processing, identification, filling, archiving, etc.,
• Plan, coordinate and conduct project audits to ensure conformance with EMS/customer project requirements
• Effective implementation of non-conformance, corrective action, and preventive action management processes.
• Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the CSG, etc.
• Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practises for the CSG, etc. Understand and follow OH&S procedures

Requirements :
• Bachelors' degree in Civil / Structural / Building Engineering or Diploma with relevant working experiences
• Minimum 3 – 5 years working experience in infrastructure engineering design environment
• Experienced in design project quality role in ensuring compliance with established systems and requirements
• Ability to develop quality and inspection plans
• Knowledge of Quality Management System (e.g. ISO 9001) and system auditing experience will be advantageous
• Good communication skills (verbal and written for presentation and reporting
• Team player with strong coordination skills

Send your updated profile with following details:
Current CTC (Basic + other benefits)
Expected CTC (Basic + other benefits)
Joining Notice Period (in months)
Total strength of your organization
Total strength of your department

Professional References:
Name of the candidates Contact No.

If interested, kindly send across your CV on

In case you are not interested, but know of friends who may fit this profile, please refer them to me. Do forward this mail to your friends and colleagues as well

Thanks & Regards,
Net Tec Pte Ltd.

Closing Date: 20-10-08
Read More - NET TEC PTE Ltd


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
A leading Qatar based Oil and Gas Services Company with an excellent work environment needs self- motivated and fully experienced technical personnel with good command over English & proficient in the Use of computers.

All positions come with co. provided accommodation, yearly air passage & opportunities for training & career progression.

MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (Code MT 01) - With experience and knowledge in the repair and maintenance of heavy mechanical equipment, forklift trucks, diesel engines, hoists, air compressor, plant machinery as well as general hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.

TOWER CRANE ERECTORS (TCE 11) - With knowledge in erection of tower cranes, mast climbing platform and hoists used in the construction of high-rise buildings.

ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN (ET 02) - With experience and knowledge in the repair and maintenance of overhead electrical cranes, electric motor driven compressors, welding equipment, motors and associated drives.

VALVE TECHNICIAN (VT 03) - With knowledge and experience to refurbish repair, overhaul, and calibration of all types of valves and control systems. Expertise in the repair of pneumatic / hydraulic actuators and oilfield equipment. Site and / or offshore working experience essential

HYDRAULIC TECHNICIAN (HT 07) – With knowledge and experience in troubleshooting and repairing heavy equipments. Also inspecting, repairing and maintaining heavy equipment such as excavators, wheel loaders, backhoe loaders, skid steer loader etc. Maintains all repair records including parts, fluids, labor, repair work and, mileage.

BOAT CAPTAIN - With knowledge to operate 80 ft Dhow, smaller high speed boats along with maintenance.

Submit your CV at or fax 021 47882280. Don t forget to write the code in the subject of your email/application.

PT. Falah Rima Hudaity Bersaudara
JI. Pemuda No 10 Kav 79 Jakarta 13220
Expiry date: October 03, 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Universitas Brawijaya untuk formasi tahun 2008 akan menerima 82 orang calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS). Hal ini tertuang dalam pengumuman nomor 018/Peng/2008 tentang penerimaan CPNS di lingkungan UB formasi tahun 2008 yang dikeluarkan tanggal 15 September 2008.

Berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional nomor 44085/A4/KP/ 2008 tanggal 8 September 2008 dan hasil rapat teknis kepegawaian 8-10 September 2008, UB akan menerima 82 CPNS, terinci 80 orang tenaga dosen dan 2 orang tenaga teknisi.

Untuk tenaga dosen golongan III/b, semuanya dengan tingkat pendidikan S2 atau S1 Profesi. Sedangkan untuk dosen golongan III/c dengan tingkat pendidikan S3. Kualifikasi akademik S3 Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, dan Teknik Industri, dibutuhkan Fakultas Teknik masing-masing 1 orang. Sementara kualifikasi akademik lainnya untuk masing-masing fakultas dibutuhkan 1- 5 orang. Sedangkan untuk tenaga teknisi dibutuhkan 1 orang dengan kualifikasi akademik S1 Akuntansi untuk bendahara gaji, dan 1 orang lulusan D-III Ilmu Komputer/Manajemen Informatika/ Teknik Komputer untuk pranata komputer.

Pelamar yang berhak mendaftar adalah warganegara Indonesia, berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008 (berdasarkan tanggal lahir pada ijazah yang dijadikan dasar pengangkatan) . Khusus pelamar yang pada 1 Desember 2008 berusia 35-40 tahun, harus melampirkan surat keputusan pengangkatan pertama sampai terakhir, minimal 11 tahun 8 bulan secara terus-menerus dan tidak terputus sejak 1 April 1997 sampai sekarang pada instansi pemerintah dan/atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional, dan surat keterangan yang menyatakan yang bersangkutan masih melaksanakan tugasnya pada instansi tersebut sesuai PP nomor 98 tahun 2000 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan PP nomor 11 tahun 2002. Khusus untuk dosen, tidak sedang terikat kontrak dengan instansi/perguruan tinggi lain.

Pelamar wajib melengkapi dan menyerahkan kelengkapan administrasi berupa:
(a) Surat lamaran ditulis dengan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani oleh pelamar dengan menyebutkan jabatan yang akan dilamar (Tenaga Dosen, Tenaga Teknisi), ditujukan kepada Menteri Pendidikan Nasional melalui Rektor Universitas Brawijaya Malang, tanpa materai;
(b) satu lembar fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip (S1, S2, dan S3) sesuai dengan kualifikasi akademik yang dibutuhkan dan telah disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang (Dekan/Direktur Program Pascasarjana, dan tanggal penetapan STTB/ijazah harus sebelum tanggal pelamaran, tidak boleh berupa surat keterangan atau pernyataan yang menyatakan yang bersangkutan belum diwisuda) dan menunjukkan aslinya kepada Bagian Pendaftaran;
(c) IP Kumulatif: Tenaga Dosen S3 >3,50, Tenaga Dosen S2 >3,25, Tenaga Teknisi S1 >2,75 (Staf Administrasi) , dan Tenaga Teknisi D-III >2,50 (Staf Administrasi) ;
(d) Untuk pelamar Dosen Kulifikasi Akademik ijazah harus linear antara S1, S2 dan S3 (contoh: kualifikasi akademik S3 Hukum, maka kualifikasi akademik S2 dan S1 harus Hukum);
(e) Bagi yang memiliki ijazah lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri harus melampirkan surat keputusan penetapan dan penyetaraan hasil penilaian ijazah lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri dari Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional;
(f) Memiliki nilai TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program) >450 dan masih berlaku (2 tahun) yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service), bagi yang belum memiliki dapat mengikuti tes di Program Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Brawijaya tanpa dipungut biaya (gratis);
(g) Empat lembar pasfoto ukuran 3×4 cm (dibaliknya ditulis nama yang bersangkutan, dimasukkan dalam kantong plastik);
(h) Menyerahkan surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi/perguruan tinggi lain;
(i) Mengisi surat perjanjian ikatan kerja;
(j) Membawa materai Rp 6000 sebanyak 2 lembar; dan
(k) Mengisi surat pernyataan sesuai Keputusan Kepala BKN Nomor 11 Tahun 2002.

Waktu dan tempat
Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam stofmap warna merah untuk dosen FH, FE, FIA; warna hijau untuk dosen FP, Fapet, FPIK; warna kuning untuk dosen FT, FK, FMIPA; dan warna biru untuk dosen FTP, FIS, Program Bastra, dan tenaga teknisi.

Proses pendaftaran, seleksi administrasi, pengisian biodata, dan pengambilan nomor tanda peserta ujian dilaksanakan mulai Selasa (16 September 2008) hingga Sabtu (27 September 2008), di kantor Bagian Kepegawaian, lantai V Gedung Rektorat UB, mulai pukul 08.00-14.00 WIB (kecuali hari Jumat: 08.00-12.00 WIB, dan hari Minggu libur).

Ujian seleksi diadakan dua tahap.

Tahap pertama dilaksanakan hari Kamis 16 Oktober 2008, pukul 07.30-11.15 WIB, di Sasana Samanta Krida UB, dengan materi ujian:
Tes Pengetahuan Umum (Bahasa Indonesia, Pancasila, Kebijaksanaan Pemerintah, Tata Negara, Sejarah, Bahasa Inggris),

Tes Bakat Skolastik (kemampuan penalaran verbal, kemampuan penalaran kuantitatif, dan kemampuan penalaran analisis).

Untuk ini pelamar wajib membawa kartu tes, pensil 2B, karet penghapus, dan rautan pensil. Hasil ujian tahap pertama diumumkan 3 November 2008.

Ujian tahap kedua
bagi yang lulus ujian tahap pertama, dilaksanakan hari Kamis dan Jumat (6-7 November 2008), pukul 08.00-10.00 WIB, di Student Center UB, dengan materi ujian: tes substansi sesuai bidang keilmuan; wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris; wawancara dalam bahasa Jepang/Pernacis khusus bagi pelamar S2 Bahasa Jepang/Perancis. Hasilnya diumumkan 14 November 2008.

Pelamar yang pernah memasukkan berkas lamaran sebelum ini, dan kualifikasi pendidikannya sesuai dengan pengumuman ini diharap datang langsung di Panitia Pendaftaran untuk memperbarui berkasnya. Mereka yang tidak datang memperbarui berkas dianggap mengundurkan diri. Panitia tidak melayani surat-menyurat. Pada saat mendaftar, pelamar diharuskan membawa pensil 2B dan karet penghapus. Untuk proses pendaftaran ini semua, panitia tidak memungut biaya. Hal-hak yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan langsung pada Panitia. [Far]


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS Dosen di Lingkungan UGM Tahun 2008
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 44085/A4/KP/ 2008 tanggal 3 September 2008 dan hasil rapat kepegawaian tanggal 9 September 2008 sampai dengan 11 September 2008, Universitas Gadjah Mada akan menerima Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil sejumlah 84 orang untuk jabatan dosen. Informasi selengkapnya di


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Nomor : 1014/H34/KP/ 2008
Berdasarkan SK Mendiknas Nomor : 44085/A4/KP/ 2008, tanggal 3 September 2008, tentang Penetapan Formasi CPNS Tahun Anggaran 2008 di lingkungan Depdiknas, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta memperoleh formasi tenaga pengajar/dosen sebanyak 39 (tiga puluh sembilan) orang dan tenaga teknisi sebanyak 2 (dua) orang dari pelamar umum, dengan perincian sebagai berikut :
A. Pelamar Umum
1. Persyaratan Umum
1) Warga Negara Republik Indonesia
2) Bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
3) Memiliki Integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
4) Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon/Pegawai Negeri Sipil
5) Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik
6) Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta
7) Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan
8) Mempunyai kompetensi yang diperlukan di bidang pendidikan
9) Berkelakuan baik
10) Sehat jasmani dan rohani
11) Usia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008 atau usia 40 tahun dengan masa kerja minimal 11 tahun 8 bulan bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional, sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2002

2. Kualifikasi Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan
a. Tenaga Pengajar

1. Persyaratan Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal :
• Tingkat Pendidikan S2 = 3.25
• Tingkat Pendidikan S3 = Predikat Sangat Memuaskan

2. Persyaratan Kualifikasi Akademik :
• Tingkat Pendidikan S2 = Ijazah S1 harus linier
• Tingkat Pendidikan S3 = Ijazah S2 dan S1 harus linier
(Kecuali persyaratan khusus yang disebutkan)

B. Persyaratan

1. Pelamar harus datang sendiri di tempat pendaftaran
2. Mengajukan surat lamaran tanpa materai ditulis tangan yang dialamatkan kepada : Yth. Mendiknas RI melalui Rektor Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, dengan melampirkan :
a. Foto copy sah ijazah/STTB dengan menunjukkan aslinya, : 1 lembar
untuk pelamar tenaga pengajar / dosen ijazah S1 dan S2
b. Foto copy sah transkrip nilai dengan menunjukkan aslinya, : 1 lembar
untuk pelamar tenaga pengajar / dosen transkrip nilai S1 dan S2
c. Bagi pelamar lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri harus melampirkan surat : 1 lembar
keputusan penetapan dan penyetaraan hasil penilaian ijazah perguruan tinggi
luar negeri dari Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi.
d. Foto copy sah Akta Mengajar, bagi pelamar tenaga pengajar/dosen lulusan : 1 lembar
kependidikan dengan menunjukkan aslinya,
e. Mengisi dan menandatangani Surat Pernyataan, yang isinya tentang : 1 lembar
persyaratan umum pelamar (format disediakan panitia)
f. Pas foto terbaru hitam putih ukuran 3 X 4 cm : 4 lembar
g. Foto copy sah TOEFL bagi pelamar tenaga pengajar / dosen yang memiliki : 1 lembar
h. Membuat surat pernyataan yang dibuat sendiri bermateri Rp. 6.000,00 : 1 lembar
(enam ribu rupiah) yang isinya :
1. Tidak mengajukan permohonan mutasi selama 5 tahun
2. Tidak mengajukan permohonan penguduran diri selama 5 tahun
3. Sanggup mentaati Etika Kepribadian Tenaga Pengajar (Dosen) bagi pelamar tenaga pengajar (Dosen)
3. Surat lamaran berserta lampirannya dimasukkan ke dalam stopmap :
a. Warna kuning (tenaga pengajar), bagian depan stopmap ditulis nama lengkap pelamar, kualifikasi pendidikan, perguruan tinggi asal, IP Komulatif, alamat asal pelamar dan atau alamat pelamar di Yogyakarta jika ada.
b. Warna hijau (tenaga teknisi), bagian depan stopmap ditulis nama lengkap pelamar, kualifikasi pendidikan, alamat asal pelamar, dan atau alamat pelamar di Yogyakarta jika ada.
C. Waktu dan Tempat Pendaftaran
1. Tanggal : 15 s.d. 27 September 2008
2. Waktu : Senin s.d. Kamis : 08.00 s.d. 14.00 WIB
Jum'at : 08.00 s.d. 11.00 WIB
3. Tempat : Bagian Kepegawaian Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
(Gedung Rektorat lantai III sayap barat)
D. Materi Ujian
1. Tahap I
a. Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU)
b. Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS)
2. Tahap II
Tes Substansi/Kompetens i :
a. Bahasa Iggris (bagi dosen)
b. Wawancara Akademik dan Uji Kompetensi (dosen dan teknisi)
E. Waktu Ujian
1. Tes Pengetahuan Umum dan Tes Bakat Skolastik dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 16 Oktober 2008 mulai pukul 07.00 WIB s.d. selesai.
2. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus ujian Tahap I (TPU dan TBS), diwajibkan mengikuti ujian Tahap II. Pengumuman Hasil Tes Tahap I diperkirakan tanggal 3 Nopember 2008.
3. Tes Tahap II yang meliputi Tes Substansi/Kompetens i dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 s.d. 7 Nopember 2008, mulai pukul 07.00 WIB s.d. selesai.
4. Tempat ujian/tes diumumkan 2 hari sebelum pelaksanaan ujian/tes.
5. Pengumuman kelulusan final bagi calon yang diterima diperkirakan tanggal 14 Nopember 2008.
F. Lain-lain.
Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan langsung ditempat pendaftaran.

Yogyakarta, 11 September 2008
Penjabat Rektor,

Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd.,MA.
NIP 131405893


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
PT Hanno Bali base in Seminyak is looking applicant for the following
1. Director Secretary
a. Excellent command of written and spoken English
b. Excellent communication skills
c. Computer literate (Microsoft office and mail correspondence)
d. Strong leadership skill and Indonesian Law
e. Minimum 2 years experiences
2. Project Secretary
a. Accounting background
b. Computer literate (Microsoft office and mail correspondence)
c. Great administration and filling
3. Printer Technician
a. Relevant Degree
b. Familiar with printer problem and had skill to maintenance and
c. Have good sense and responsibility ,able to working under pressure
d. Good English
4. Advertising Manager
a. Relevant degree
b. Excellent command of written and spoken English
c. Excellent communication skills
d. Computer literate and strong relationships.
e. Minimum 2 years experiences

Ida Bagus Kirana
Corporate Human Resources Manager


http://www.c151. net

151 Jalan Oberoi, Seminyak - Bali - Indonesia 80361
Ph : +(62-361) 730306 , 739151
Fax : +(62-361) 730312
Read More - PT. HANNO BALI


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
PT. UNIMITRA PACIFIC KHARISMA, Company Interior Construction and Furniture Manufacture, opening job vacancy for immediate placement at Jakarta (factory) and project at Bali, Batam and Kalimantan for the following position

1. Factory Manager (Furniture)
2. Production Manager (Furniture)
3. Quality Control (Furniture)
4. Production Supervisor (Furniture)
5. Finishing Supervisor (Furniture)
6. Project Coordinator (interior/Furniture)
7. Project Manager (interior/Furniture)
8. Site Manager (interior/Furniture)
9. Project Supervisor (Interior/Fumiture)
10. Interior Designer (Interior/Furniture)
11. Drafter (interior/Furniture)

Requirements :
1 . All applicants should have minimum of 3 years working experiences
2. Willingness to be placed out of town.
3. All applicants shall submit application letter with CV, Copy of KTP,Education Certificate incl Academic Record Student & latest color photo.
4, Especially No, 1, applicant may call our director directly by Phone at Telp.No.: 6385 8306 07

Please send your complete application to PO BOX 1836 JKP 10018
Put code on the top left envelope


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange since November 2004, PT. Mitra Adiperkasa, Tbk is the #1 specialty retailer and distributor in Indonesia. Currently, it has 500 retail outlets in 22 cities throughout the Indonesian Archipelago. In line with our rapid expansion, we are looking for self-motivated, hardworking and qualified people to join our winning team as :

I.Fit Out Designer

Sumarry of duties:

* supervising at site in terms of project progress
* manage the opening store refers to schedule
* follow up from concept drawing until store opening
* full incharge in assigned project and be responsibe of coordination with supplier and contractor to achieve store opening


* Minimum Bachelor degree of Architecture
* Min 2-3 years experience in retail industry and has been working in contractor
* Has technical experience in CAD and 3D Max is a must
* Has a good sense of design

II. Store Manager Harvey Nichols

HARVEY NICHOLS is more than just a department store. It is a place of pilgrimage for those seeking shopping nirvana with an unrivalled selection of the world’s most exclusive brands in not only fashion, but also beauty, home, and food products. In addition to its six UK stores, in recent years it has expanded globally opening stores in Riyadh, Hong Kong, Dublin, Dubai, and Istanbul. Now, this London’s premier fashion retailer is coming to Indonesia, located in the most luxurious shopping destination in Jakarta – the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.

This is an unparallel opportunity to join not only Indonesia’s premier retailer PT Mitra Adiperkasa but also to work with one of the World’s Leading Luxury Department Stores, Harvey Nichols
Overall responsibility for proactively managing the performance of the store by leading and motivating the team, setting high standards of store presentation and service levels. Also responsible for all operations and the health and safety of the store/area.

* min Bachelor degree
* min 2 years experience in a role managing a team of people within a store/department store or a Store Manager role with a luxury retailer
* Computer literate
* Fluent in English

To meet this challenge, you’ll need working experience in a similar capacity and be able to demonstrate extensive knowledge in the retail industry.

The successful candidates will be located in Jakarta-Indonesia and receive an attractive remuneration package. Most importantly, you will be part of a team that will develop the most luxurious shopping destination in Indonesia.

III. Secretary

The candidate would be responsible in handling secretariat tasks (typing, taking messages, travel arrangement, filing, correspondences, etc)

The candidate should have the following qualifications:
• Preferably female
• Min. Diploma degree
• Age between 22-28 years old
• Min. 1 year experience as Secretary
• Able to operate computer such as Ms. Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.)
• Posses a good communication and interpersonal sk

Dateline: 06 oktober 2008


Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):
Sebuah perusahaan komponen otomotif (Group Astra Otopart), yang berlokasi di Cibinong Bogor, membutuhkan beberapa calon untuk posisi :

Staf Mold Design dan Staf Process Engineering

Kualifikasi :

· Laki2 usia maks 25 tahun,
· D-III Teknik Mesin Manufaktur (hanya D3 yang di proses)

· Memiliki kemampuan design dengan menggunakan Program AUTOCAD dan Unigraphic dengan baik.

· Bersedia di tempatkan di Cibinong Bogor.

· Memiliki Sim A (Lebih disukai)

· Waktu Kebutuhan : October 2008

Bagi yang berminat, harap segera mengirimkan CV lengkap dilampiri dengan pas photo berwarna terbaru ke alamat email :

Bagi calon yang memenuhi kualifikasi, akan segera dipanggil untuk Interview.

untuk informasi klik ke


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

We - an establish joint venture company in financial business which has branches throughout Indonesia - are inviting for high caliber candidate to fill position as:



ü Male/Female, max. 27 years of age
ü Bachelor degree from reputable university, majoring in Accounting with min. GPA 3.0

ü Knowledgeable in Microsoft application

ü Preferably working experience min. one year, but fresh graduates are welcome

ü Hard worker, team player, diligent, attention to details

If you think that you fulfill the qualifications above, please send your application letter, recent passport size photograph and academic documents not later than 10 (ten) days after the issuance of this advertisement. Please quote the position code on the upper left side of your envelope to:


PO BOX 4423 JKP 10044 or

All applicants will be treated strictly confidence and only short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview.


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
PT Combiphar is a well developed pharmaceutical company with concern for healthcare & quality. Recently, we are seeking for high qualified candidates to fill in our vacancies as;

Finance Staff
Male & Female (Max 30 yrs), Strata-1 Finance/Management (min GPA 2,75), min 3 yrs of exp., familiar with supplier payment process, customer collection process, & bank & cash management, team work player.

Accounting Staff
Male(Max 30 yrs), Strata-1 Accounting (min GPA 2,75), min 3 yrs of exp., familiar with basic accounting principle

Finance & Accounting Supervisor
Male (28-35 yrs), Strata-1 Accounting (min GPA 3,0), min 5 yrs of exp. in accounting, taxation, and auditing, manufacturing background & supervising a team exp. will be preferred, well experienced in SAP R3(ERP System), target & tight deadline oriented.

Secretary to Marketing Director
Female (<40 yrs), min D-3 of all majors, min 5 yrs of exp., preferably in marketing & pharmaceutical industries.

Product Manager
Male & Female (Max 30 yrs), Strata-1 Pharmacy, Medical, or Biology (min GPA 3,0), min 2 yrs of product management exp.

Male & Female, Strata-2 of Magister Psychology and or, Profession Psychologist Program, min 2 yrs of work exp., familiar with psychological assessment tools. Fresh graduated are welcome to apply. This position will be based in Padalarang Bandung.

General Requirements

Ø Microsoft Office literate
Ø Good command in English (esp. for Secretary)
Ø Willing to work hard, honest, & take a full responsibility of each duties
Ø Team work player

Should you meet with the above qualifications, send us your complete resume, recent photograph, and expected salary (max 200kb) within 2 (two) weeks to, only short listed candidates will be notified.


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :


* The incumbent will be responsible to provide mentoring, problem solving, development, and maintenance services for developed software, through requirement capture, analysis, design, and programming, testing, implementation and support.


* Male/Female and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable university with GPA min 3.00, preferably from Computer Science or Informatics Engineering background.
* Minimum 3 years of working experience preferably within the similar roles of group project in manufacturing MNC’s.
* In-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in programming language, especially in using NET (VB.NET or C#), Delphi, Java, Foxpro/Visual Foxpro as well as database programming: SQL Server (Store Procedure, Trigger, and SQL Command).
* Additional knowledge of SAP, Oracle, People Soft, InforLN – interface with ERP systems would be an advantage.
* Possess strong communication skills, follow through actions and decisions with sense of urgency, punctuality and ready to work under pressure to meet deadlines and targets with sudden changes environment.
* Strong work commitment with the ability to work independently and be self driven.
* Able to provide business support and be a strong partner in operations.
* Meticulous with an aptitude for figures and able to multitask effectively.
* Strong analytical skills with the ability to think and plan ahead.
* Be a change agent who can re-look at status quo operations for process improvements.
* Proficient in English (spoken and written) and computer application literacy is a must.
* Willing to be posted within the factory area in Beji – Pasuruan East Java.

If you possess the above requirements, please send your application letter together with CV (In English) and recent photograph by stating the position code in the subject of the email no later than two weeks after this advertisement to:

For more information about our company, please visit us at or


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
Web Designer


* Creates design prototypes, including graphic design, site navigation and layout of content for the project.
* Builds websites using technologies that conform to international standards and make sure that they are universally accessible.


* At least 1 year of working experience as Web Designer.
* Advanced knowledge of XHTML, CSS, and of digital imaging and illustration with Adobe Photoshop, Macro Media Flash and Illustrator .
* Knowledge and demonstrated experience with cross-browser and cross-platform issues (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
* Extensive experience working on a Mac platform.
* Writing web pages in a combination of codes, such as hypertext mark-up language (HTML), Javascript, Actionscript and Flash, or using code-generating programs, such as Dreamweaver.

If your qualifications meet our requirement please send your resume and portfolio to :


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Productions Group Leader (PGL)


* Male
* Fresh graduated from Bachelor (S1) degree in Mechanical, Industrial and Electrical Engineering
* Minimum GPA 2.85
* Maximum age 28 years old
* Hard Worker, independent, and with strong leadership ability
* Can work under pressure, having capability to work as a team
* Willing to be placed in Gresik, East Java

Send Application and Curriculum vitae stating educational background to:

Recruitment Officer
PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya
Jl. Raya Krikilan KM 28 Driyorejo Gresik

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