Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Solid Black Gold

PT Solid Black Gold รข€“ Coal Mining Contractor companies having production area in Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan Province in collaboration with several concession owner, which started operation since 2006 until today. We have a standard of coal quality in complying with our customer in Japan and USA which uses for electricity. We open several positions to strengthen our manpower and business position

Mining Engineer

* Mining Degree
* AMDAL knowledge
* Ready to work in a remote area
* Ready to work in the field everyday
* Minimum 3 years experience in coal mining field
* Leadership qualities to lead foremen, operators and drivers

* Implementation of production planning
* Dewatering of the mines area
* Safety of Mine area
* Discipline of Subordinate
* Coordination with mechanical department
* Report to Mining Manager
* Report to Dinas Tambang
* Direct subordinate Production Foreman

Please send your comprehensive application and resume meeting our requirement to:

HR Department
Rukan Gading Bukit Indah M - 10
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Or mail to : careers@ptsbg.com
Closing Date: 19-8-0

PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We seek for the highly qualified professional to fill our vacant position as :

Corporate Distribution Assistant Manager (AM)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably candidate had minimum 1 year experience working in Insurance Company.
* Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Marketing, Others or equivalent.
* Full-Time and Contract position available.

PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah
Century Tower Lantai 9 Ruang 907-908 Jl.HR Rasuna Said KAV X-2 No. 4 Jakarta Selatan 12950.
Tel: +62 21 522 8145
Website: http://www.mubarakah.com
Closing Date: 4-9-09
Read More - PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Nomor : KP.01.02/31.03-KKH/VII/2009
TAHUN 2009

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL) membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan Strata 1 (S1) dan Diploma III (D3), untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan BAKOSURTANAL dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Sehat Jasmani, Rohani dan bebas NARKOBA
- Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. .
- Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/ Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
- Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang menjalani perjanjian /kontrak kerja/ikatan dinas pada instansi lain.


- Berusia minimal 20 tahun, dan maksimal 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
- Pelamar berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diakui Depdiknas.
- Memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai dengan formasi jabatan yang dibutuhkan :





1 Surveyor Pemetaan SP

S1 Geodesi/Geomatika/
11 Orang
S1 Geografi 6 Orang
S1 Kelautan 2 Orang
2 Pranata Komputer PK S1 Teknologi Informasi 6 Orang
3 Analis Kepegawaian AK S1 Administrasi Negara/Publik/ Manajemen SDM 1 Orang
4 Verifikator Keuangan VK D III Ekonomi Akuntansi 3 Orang
5 Arsiparis AR D III Kearsipan/ Administrasi Negara 3 Orang

Surat Lamaran yang di tandatangani, dilampiri dengan :

- Fotokopi ijazah terakhir,surat tanda kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU
- Fotokopi ijazah transkrip nilai pendidikan
- Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir/ skripsi
- Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
- Foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup dengan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan surat keterangan bebas NARKOBA dari Dokter serta keterangan pendukung (pelatihan, pengalaman kerja, penghargaan, beasiswa, TOEFL,dsb).
- Membuat surat pernyataan format A1, yang ditanda tangani diatas meterai Rp. 6000,-

Seluruh berkas lamaran dimasukan dalam amplop coklat tertutup, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar pada sampul depan kiri atas amplop ditujukan kepada : Kepala BAKOSURTANAL , c.q. Kepala Biro Keuangan, Kepegawaian dan Hukum (KKH), PO. BOX 46-CBI Cibinong 16911 dan dikirim melalui pos.

Lamaran yang diantar langsung tidak akan diproses.


- Periode lamaran mulai tanggal 3 – 31 Agustus 2009 (cap pos) dan diterima panitia paling lambat 4 September 2009, jam 15.00 WIB. (diluar periode tidak akan diproses).
- Seluruh lamaran yang masuk pada periode lamaran akan diikut sertakan dalam seleksi administratif, dengan ketentuan setiap 1 (satu) formasi, sebanyak-banyaknya akan dipanggil 15 (lima belas) orang pelamar untuk masuk pada tahap ujian tertulis.
- Hasil seleksi administrasi, dan jadwal, tempat serta pelaksanaan ujian tertulis akan diumumkan pada tanggal 14 September 2009 melalui situs BAKOSURTANAL (www.bakosurtanal.go.id).
- Keputusan Panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Cibinong, 31 Juli 2009
Ketua Tim Seleksi Penerimaan PNS


Agus Prijanto

Download: Surat Pengumuman
Read More - Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL)

PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

A furniture manufacture needs a professional challenge for our position.

I.Store Manager - (Banten)


* Male or Female.
* Ages maximum 35 Years Old.
* Bachelor’s Degee in Management from reputable university.
* Has minimum GPA 3.00.
* Preferably 3-5 years experience in RITEL or Dept. Store.
* Proficient in English spoken and written.
* Good interpersonal and have a strong leadership.

II.Factory Manager - (Banten)


* Male or Female.
* Ages maximum 35 Years Old.
* Bachelor Degree in Management
* Has minimum GPA 2.75
* Preferably having 3-5 years experience in manufacturing company.
* Having knowledge in the woodworking product and industry will be preference.
* Good interpersonal and have a strong leadership.

Please submitt your detailed resume, academic record,
Expected salary and latest photograph or email to
PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang
Kampung Buaran Rt. 04/ Rw. 02 Sarua Ciputat Tangerang

Dateline: 06 September 2009
Read More - PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT Trikarsa Sempurna Sistemindo is one of recommended IT supplier in Jakarta, during our business operation in 2006 we have been growth very well, over than 80 Strategic Account have been dealing and doing partnership with us.

The market is tough, the challenge is great and the workload is heavy, due to our expansion and to meet the challenge of fast growth, as a Corporate we need high caliber person to fill the bellow position:

I.Network Security - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/ Female ( 25 - 30 years old )
* Graduated from recognize IT university
* GPA min 2.75 - computer background
* Have Strong experience in security solution
* Have good communication skill in English or Bahasa
* Have strong presentation skill
* Strong Expeienced in Security solution
* Familiar with SOPHOS/ SYmantex/ MaxAfee or Other AntiVirus Solution
* Experienced min 4 years
* Understand windows platform/ Active Directory

II.Purchasing IT- (Jakarta Raya)


* Female ( 25 - 30 thn )
* Graduated from recognized uiversity
* GPA min 2.75
* Have background IT
* Worked hard and teachable kind of person
* Strong analitical skill
* Familiar with microsoft Office
* Good communication skill both in english and Bahasa
* Have capacity to maintain relationship with supplier

If you strongly believe that you are the right person for this position, we invite you to apply and take challenge. Please send your application letter:

Gedung Gondangdia Lama Lt. 3 Suite 308
Jl. RP. Soeroso No. 25
Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10330
Attn. HRD Manager
Or Email: recruitment@tri-karsa.com

Christian Dior Couture Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Christian Dior Couture is one of the world’s leading luxury brands. Elegance, famous and creativity are the most common words for Dior. Offering the current season’s collections of high quality women’s ready-to-wear, handbags, small leather goods, shoes, accessories, watches and fine jewelry, Christian Dior boutiques are located in the most prestigious retail properties. To cope with our fast expansion, we invite high caliber team players to join us for the following position:

I.Boutique Manager


* Bachelor degree from overseas or reputable local university
* At least 3 years’ managerial experience in related field
* Good command of English, spoken and written
* Computer literacy is a must
* Strong in leadership and customer service
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Mature, able to work independently and under pressure

II.Administration Assistant


* S1 in Finance or Accounting from a reputable university preferable overseas graduate
* Minimum 1 year working experience in each field
* Computer literacy (e.g. Excel, Access, Word & Powerpoint)
* Good command of English, spoken & written
* Pleasant personality, able to work in a team and under pressure
* Flexible in working hour, multi tasking and good administrator

Interested parties please send your full resume and salary expectation to PT Christian Dior Indonesia, P.O. Box 6613/Jkpwk, Jakarta 10350C, or by email to hrcdfe@christiandior.fe, or by fax to (852) 2968 5782

Dateline: 20 Agustus 2009
Read More - Christian Dior Couture Indonesia

PT Mitra Berjaya Coffee (Mister Bean Coffee)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are a fast growing gourmet specialty for coffee in the local market is looking for :

I.Area Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female, Single
* Have strong leadership and organizational skills. Must be able to lead a team
* Previous experience in managerial/supervisory position, in a service or hospitality industry of at least two years.
* Can work on flexible working hours including holidays or weekends
* Honest, trustworthy, with strong motivation to succeed
* Ability to make quick decision
* A strategist, with good eye on details and able to set specific and know how to achieve them
* With a amiable and pleasant personality
* Should know basic computer skills, such as Word, Excel, etc

II.Cashier - (Jakarta Raya)


* Female, Single
* Maximum age 25 years old
* Minimum D3 from Accounting
* Minimum experience 2 years
* Domiciled at South Jakarta

If you meet above requirements, please send your comprehensively CV, recent photo, including your current expected salary, to:

Read More - PT Mitra Berjaya Coffee (Mister Bean Coffee)

INK Design Consultant

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

INK is a boutique Design Consultant, established to achieve a high dedication in assisting, facilitating and collaborating with client to fulfil the client’s design ‘needs’.
We consider ourself not only as a design firm, but more as a visual solution to our clients. We believe the word ‘visual’ provide a wider scope of design field when we collaborate with our clients to find a good solution in their visual communication and promotional needs.
Our services range from:

* Brand / Visual Identity
* Print Publications
* Digital Publications
* Promotional Items
* Environmental Design
* Photography
* Product Design
* Design Consultation

As a Design Consultant, INK is a one-stop destination where we can provide various services for our clients.

As a boutique company, we can devote individual attention to each one of our clients. We also have a strong control with the design process from the development until production stage, to ensure that the client’s need and expectation are always met.

We are looking for TELEMARKETING to join our young and creative design consultant.



* Female
* Min 1-2 years experience in Telemarketing
* Age max 28 yeras old
* Attractive Voice and pleasant personality.
* Highly Motivated, Passionate in the Marketing field, with strong target oriented.
* Strong communication, analytical and people skills.
* Able to work in a team environment.
* Passionate, Loyal, Honest, Hardworking, Discipline.
* Computer literate.
* Speaks and writes English fluently and actively.
* Academy education min D3.

II.Marketing Sales Executive
(Jakarta Raya - Sunter, Jakarta Utara)


* Male/Female
* Min 2-3 years experience in Marketing and Sales (Advertising or Design Industry would be an advantage).
* Age max 28 yeras old
* Wide client net workings in Graphic Design or Printing Industry
* Attractive and pleasant personality.
* Highly Motivated, Passionate in the Marketing field, with strong target oriented.
* Strong communication, analytical and people skills.
* Good presentation and negotiation skill.
* Able to work in a team environment.
* Passionate, Loyal, Honest, Hardworking, Discipline.
* Computer literate.
* Speaks and writes English fluently and actively.
* Academy education min D3.
* Own car or motorcycle with driver license is a plus

We provide a BIG INCENTIVE for each project

If you are what we are looking for, then send us your Application Letter, with the latest CV, Transcript of Academy, and Recent Colour Photograph to:

Nirwana Sunter Asri II
Jl. Paradise 22, Blok A3 No 87-88
Jakarta Utara 14350

Dateline: 25 Agustus 2009
Read More - INK Design Consultant

Yayasan Istana Anakku

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are looking for people with initiative, who has the approach of an open mind and think beyond barriers.
We are looking for :



* Committed to the development and teaching of pre-school children toddler & Kindergarten
* Engage and motivate children through play and hands-on activities
* Prepare and conduct daily lessons and produce course materials accordingly to school’s programmers
* Perform routine care to children
* Has ability composed lesson plan


* Male/Female
* Diploma in Pre-School Teaching / Leadership
* With GPA minimum 3.00
* Good Appearance
* Candidates with relevant teaching experience is an advantage
* Strong command of English and Bahasa
* Cheerful, enthusiastic, team-player
* Willing to learn, takes initiative

Other Information:

• Working Location : Kota Wisata Cibubur
• Full-time
• Live in Cibubur Area is a Plus

II.Customer Service


* Handling Parent customer oriented
* Target Oriented
* Make a Customer Report
* Perform routine care to children
* Good Attidude
* Fast Learner
* Have Ability to Cook is a plus
* Good Appearance


* Diploma or Degree level in Management,Akuntansi
* Min 1 years Experience of working as a customer service/Operator
* Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power point, Visio)
* Good command of English and Bahasa
* Willing to learn, takes initiative

Other Information:

• Working Location : Kota Wisata Cibubur
• Full-time
• Live in Cibubur Area is a Plus

Interested candidates are invited to submit your resume, starting expected salary and date availability together with a recent photograph to:

Email: contact.bjg@gmail.com
Read More - Yayasan Istana Anakku


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are a leading Asia Pacific IT solutions company based in Jakarta-Indonesia, currently is seeking highly qualified professional candidates. We are inviting highly motivated individuals who are willing to work in a team and challenging environment. If you think you have the qualifications below, you are welcome to apply for the following position:

I.Senior Developer / Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold min Diploma or S1 degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalents
* Good knowledge in Centura, Delphi, ASP, VB, HTML, Oracle, SQL Server, OOP, System Modeling
* Min. Exp. 3 years
* Good analyzing, creative, and good interpersonal skill
* Can work underpressure
* Good Communication

II.Junior Developer / Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold min Diploma or S1 degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalents
* Minimum 2-3 years experience as Developer
* Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
* Excellent skill ini DELPHI, PHP, ASP, SQL Server, Oracle
* Good knowledge of System design and modeling
* Familiar with Object Oriented Development
* Knowledge of J2EE Technology would be an advantage
* Creative, innovatice and able to work in dynamic working environment

III.SAP Consultant - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold Bachelor (S1) Degree in IT / SI / Computer Engineering or equivalent
* At least 1-2 years of experience of SAP implementation / knowledge
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* Good knowledge in SAP, ABAP, MM Module and FI
* Candidate experience in one or more of the following SAP Functional Module
* Good analytical and problem solving skills
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Full-Time positions available

Please send your application letter along with your detailed CV and recent 3×4 photograph to:


Please indicate your interest in the subject line

Dateline: 01 September 2009

PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Sahid Bintan Tourism Institute, seeking a highly motivated person and team player to fill the following position which will be based at Bintan Resorts, Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau :

I.Academic & Students Affair Officer (ASAO) - (Riau)


Responsible to coordinate academic and course program, develop schedule and provide administrative requirement for all programs, manage all student & course program record, and ensure office supplies are provided. You will assist Head of Institute to liaise with hotels/ other 3rd party for On the job training Program for students. You also assist in module development as required.

Diploma in Management/ Tourism. Three years experience relevant position.

II.Business Department Manager (BDM) - (Riau)


In this position, your role is to develop business opportunities covers but not limited to tourism, events and property rental, implement strategies in managing business department to meet net revenue target and ensure compliance to company procedure and business ethic.

Degree holder in Management, 3 years experience in related field especially in Tourism
Industry. Strong Leadership and customer focus oriented

III.Port Officer - (Riau)


Report to Ferry Terminal Manager, ensure compliance of day to day ferry terminal operation, perform port administration task and ensure continuous improvement for better customer service and efficiency. You are also to perform emergency evacuation by sea as required.

Posses ANT 4 certificate with at minimum 3 years experience or Diploma 3 Port Management

IV.Civil Engineer (CE) - (Riau)


Plan and lead a team of technical personnel to oversee and execute earthwork, road works, bridges, drainage and other infrastructural works. Must be able to prepare budgets/cost estimates for projects and drainage and structural drawing for infrastructural works. Must have sound knowledge in soil dynamics and testing requirements (eg. Attemberg limit test, grading analysis, compaction test and ground settlement test and observation.

Degree in Civil Engineering, 5 years experience in related construction, strong
planning and organizational abilities, good leadership, good interpersonal and
negotiation skills, familiar using autocad, and other Civil Engineer and Structural Programs.

V.Ferry Terminal Manager (FTM) - (Riau)

Responsible to ensure the ferry terminal operation inline with International Ship Port Security Code with regards to Safety, Security of vessels and Passengers, lead all teams to perform excellence service to customer and obtain revenue as per target.

Graduate from Sea Transport Academy or equivalent, knowledge in port operation, fluent in English and excellent Report Writing, minimum 5 years experience in port operation and documentation. Has strong leadership, integrity, and customer focus oriented.

Competitive salary and benefits will commesurate with past experience. Housing, transportation, meals, medical benefit and insurance are provided.

Send your application letter with CV including Recent photos and state your expectation salay not later than 2 weeks after the date of this advertisment to :

HR Manager PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala
Wisma Bintan Resort Jl. Kota Kapur
Lagoi 29155 Teluk Sebung, Kep. Riau
Or e-mail to : recruitment_brc@bintan-resorts.com
Visit our website: www.bintan-resort.com
Read More - PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala

Ciputra Group

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

I.IT Support (Balikpapan) - (Jakarta or Balikpapan)

* Having knowledge/experience in LAN/WAN, hardware/software support
* Having experience using Vb and My Sql
* Familiar with Delphi
* Good attitude and willing to work hard
* All the selection process will be done in Jakarta or Balikpapan

II.IT Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female, max 35 years old
* IT background education with min GPA 2,75
* Having related experience as programmer min 3 years
* Having good knowledge and skill using Delphi, My SQL and SQL Server
* Willing to located in our project at Citra Indah Jonggol
* Willing to work based on contract for 1 year
* High motivated person and willing to learn

III.Secretary Director - (Jakarta Raya)


* Female
* Maximum age 27 years old
* Associate degree in Secretarial (preferably from Tarakanita Secretarial Academy)
* Having experience as secretary director min 2 years
* Having integrity, good communication skill
* Willing to be placed in Pondok Indah

IV.Plumbing Inspector - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male
* Maximum ge 30 years old
* Bachelor degree / Associate degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
* Having experience as Plumbing Inspector for office building in contractor / developer / consultant min 3 years

V.Structure Inspector - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male
* Maximum age 30 years old
* Bachelor Degree / Associate Degree in Civil Engineering
* Having experience as Structure Inspector for office building in contractor / developer / consultant min 3 years

If you

Send your full resume to:
HRD Ciputra Group
Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6
Jakarta 12940
by email to : hrd@ciputra.com
Read More - Ciputra Group


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Kami adalah sebuah Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang pesat dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan saat ini sedang melaksanakan pembukaan lahan, pembibitan dan penanaman di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur.

Kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional dan handal untuk dapat ditempatkan di lokasi maupun head office dengan posisi :

IT Engineer


* Pendidikan S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika
* Dengan IPK min 2.75
* Menguasai LAN, trouble shooting, maintenance, familiar dengan software application &
operating system
* Bersedia melakukan perjalana ke seluruh lokasi perkebunan

Kirim lamaran dan CV anda dalam words / pdf format dengan ukuran file maximum 450 Kb dengan melampirkan pas poto terakhir dan kode posisi sebagai subject email ke :




Closing Date: 26-8-09

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