Senin, 18 Mei 2009


BANK BUMN Terbesar di Indonesia
SAAT INI dengan SEGERA mencari KANDIDAT untuk menduduki POSISI


Penempatan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, diSESUAIKAN dengan tampat tinggal PELAMAR

KIRIMKAN SEKARANG JUGA surat lamaran lengkap + CV dan dokumen lainnya ke
Read More - PERSAEL

Bank Syariah

sebuah Bank Syariah di wilayah Jawa Timur saat ini sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat berkualitas yang akan di tempatkan di Surabaya untuk posisi:

1. Sub Divisi Pembiayaan Syariah (SDP)


a. Pendidikan Minimal S1 semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan yang memiliki ijazah S2 dibidang yang relevan

b. Usia Maksimal 45 tahun

c. Sehat jasmani dan rohani

d. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (khususnya MS Office)

e. Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tulisan)

f. Berpengalaman dalam bidang Perbankan selama minimal 7 tahun dengan diantaranya pernah bekerja pada Bank Syariah minimal selama 3 (tiga) tahun

g. Memiliki sertifikasi pelatihan/keahlian dalam bidang Perbankan syariah

h. Memiliki integritas dan komitmen yang tinggi

i. Bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan dan tantangan

j. Energik dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim

k. Mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas

l. Memiliki inisiatif, dorongan prestasi dan dedikasi yang tinggi

m. Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detil terutama untuk kelompok pekerja fungsional

n. Tekun serta memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi

o. Bersedia mengikuti tahapan seleksi dan menanggung biaya selama tahap proses seleksi dilaksanakan

Persyaratan Teknis:

a. Memiliki kemampuan effective supervisory khususnya fungsi pendanaan dan pembiayaan

b. Melakukan kajian dan rekomendasi atas usulan pembiayaan yang diajukan oleh Cabang dibawah supervisi UUS

c. Bertanggung jawab terhadap kualitas pembiayaan sehingga dapat selalu di kualifikasi SEHAT

d. Secara regular melakukan benchmark dan business intelligence terhadap kondisi pasar, perkembangan pasar dan identifikasi peluang dan tantangan untuk kepentingan mempertahankan bisnis UUS

e. Mempersiapkan dan men-supervisi rencana bisnis UUS tahunan, jangka menengah dan jangka panjang bekerjasama dengan Pimpinan Divisi Operasional dan Kepala Cabang dibawah supervisinya

f. Menyiapkan prosedur dan kebijakan untuk produk yang berkaitan dengan produk pembiayaan (funded & non funded), serta jasa-jasa bank dan upaya peningkatan fee based income terkait fasilitas pembiayaan.

g. Mampu membangun aliansi dengan pihak terkait (bank & non bank) khususnya berkaitan dengan peningkatan layanan dan kemudahan akses kepada pemerintah daerah serta otoritas terkait lainnya

h. Pengalaman menjadi Account Manager/Officer sekurangnya selama 5 tahun, dan menjadi Pimpinan Cabang Bank Syariah yang berkualitas selama sekurangnya 3 tahun, atau Kepala Bagian Pengembangan Produk di Kantor Pusat Bank Syariah selama sekurangnya 2 tahun

i. Mampu menghitung dan memberikan kontribusi profitabilitas setinggi mungkin bagi UUS dan Kantor Layanan Syariah dibawah supervisinya

j. Berpengalaman dalam negosiasi bisnis dengan good negotiation skill

k. Keterampilan dalam berkomunikasi dan melakukan presentasi dengan baik

2. Pimpinan Cabang (PC)


a. Pendidikan Minimal S1 semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan yang memiliki ijazah S2 dibidang yang relevan

b. Usia Maksimal 45 tahun

c. Sehat jasmani dan rohani

d. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (khususnya MS Office)

e. Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tulisan)

f. Berpengalaman dalam bidang Perbankan selama minimal 5 tahun dengan diantaranya pernah bekerja pada Bank Syariah minimal selama 2 (dua) tahun

g. Memiliki sertifikasi pelatihan/keahlian dalam bidang Perbankan Syariah

h. Memiliki integritas dan komitmen yang tinggi

i. Bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan dan tantangan

j. Energik dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim

k. Mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas

l. Memiliki inisiatif, dorongan prestasi dan dedikasi yang tinggi

m. Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detil terutama untuk kelompok pekerja fungsional

n. Tekun serta memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi

o. Bersedia mengikuti tahapan seleksi dan menanggung biaya selama tahap proses seleksi dilaksanakan

Persyaratan Teknis:

a. Bertanggung jawab dan men-supervisi Sumberdaya Insani cabang untuk pencapaian target asset, liability dan keuntungan Kantor Cabang sesuai rencana bisnis

b. Mampu menyusun rencana bisnis Kantor Cabang Bank sesuai ketentuan Bank Indonesia

c. Melakukan program monitoring yang efektif dan merekomendasikan perbaikan aktifitas penjualan produk sesuai kondisi Kantor Cabangnya

d. Memiliki sertifikasi pelatihan Perbankan Syariah

e. Pengalaman menjadi Account Manager/Officer berkualitas sekurangnya selama 3 tahun dan menjadi Pimpinan Cabang Penuh Bank Syariah secara berkualitas selama sekurangnya 3 tahun

f. Melakukan kegiatan pemasaran dan penjualan produk pembiayaan, termasuk produk simpanan dan jasa-jasa Bank lainnya

g. Mampu menghitung dan memberikan kontribusi profitabilitas setinggi mungkin bagi cabang

h. Berpengalaman dalam negosiasi bisnis dengan good negotiation skill

i. Keterampilan dalam berkomunikasi dan melakukan presentasi dengan baik

Bagi yang berminat kirimkan aplikasi serta CV lengkap beserta photo terakhir anda ke :, selambat-lambatnya sampai dengan tanggal 21 Mei 2009.

Cantumkan kode jabatan yang anda minati pada email subject Anda.

Semua aplikasi yang masuk akan kami jaga kerahasiaannya dan hanya aplikasi yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.
Read More - Bank Syariah

PT Indika Energy Tbk

PT Indika Energy Tbk is an integrated Indonesian energy company, providing its customers with integrated energy solutions through its complementary investments in the areas of energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure.

In line with our rapid expansion, we are looking for self-motivated, hardworking and qualified people to join our winning team as :

HR Administrator (HR-Admin)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Maximum age 28 years old
* Minimum D3 Degree from reputable University
* Minimum 2 years experience in handling HR functions
* Computer literate (Ms. Office, Ms. Access, Outlook, etc.)
* Strong in Filing Management
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Detail oriented, dynamic and highly motivated individual who is able to work independently as well as in a team
* Hard worker and able to work under pressure and meet deadlines successfully
* Good interpersonal and communication skills with outgoing and pleasant personality, strong influencing skill

* Responsible for handling administration of HR Duties (employee data, Support and administer benefits program, and other HR administration duties)
* Support HR functions & activities such as : recruitment, placement, staffing, training & development, performance management, etc
* Assist the HRM in all Human Resources matters

If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications, please send your CV, a recent photograph, and supporting documents (please quote the position code on the subject) within two weeks from the date of advertisement to:

All submitted application will be treated confidentially and only short-listed candidates will be notified

Closing Date: 16-6-09.
Read More - PT Indika Energy Tbk




R E Q U I R E M E N T S :

* Educational degree : Bachelor degree
* Educational background : Engineering, preferred hold AAAIK
* Working experience : 1 – 3 years, preferred experience as Loss Adjuster or claim in insurance company
* Language : English active
* Sex : Male
* Other : Mobility, willingness to learn, fast learner, able to operate computer software and must hold driving license A & C

If you meet the above requirements and interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae detailed resume and recent photograph, to:

Gedung Graha Pacific, 1st Floor
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 87-91
Surabaya 60271

Or email to :


Power Job Vacancy

Navigat Energy; 6 Positions


We are a European managed company and the market leaders in Gee Engines. We provide power generation equipment and services to Indonesia and would like to invite bright, flexible candidates to join us as:


The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering;
• Minimum 5 years professional experience in selling Power Generation System;
• Candidates should have marketing strategy, proven sales record and existing customer network and need to be result oriented;
• Interested in continuous self-development and learning;
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skills (MS Office) are a must.


The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Electrical Engineering with above average grades
• Have minimum 3 years working experience in Power Plants preferred;
• Have strong knowledge in electrical control and protection systems of power distribution:
• Interested in continuous self-development and teaming;
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skills (MS Office) are a must.


The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineering with above average grades;
• Have minimum 3 years working experience in Power Plants preferred;
• Have strong knowledge and capability to calculate flow rates, heat balances, pressures in fluid, pump and ventilator sizing, etc;
• Interested in continuous self-development and teaming;
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skit is (MS Office) are a must.


The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 degree in Electrical Engineering;
• Have 5-10 years working experience in After Sales Service/Trouble Shooter with Gensets;
• Fault finding skills in both electrical and mechanical problems, is essential;
• Knowledge of AVK/Stamford generators would be a benefit Training will be given on engine specific control systems;
• Interested in continuous self-development and learning;
• Good communication skills in both spoken & written English.


The candidate should have:
• Minimum S1 degree in Economical, Tourism or other studies with above average grades;
• Min 3 years professional experience ass secretary and strong knowledge of office tasks in a multi-national environment;
• Basic commercial and accounting knowledge is a must;
• Good skills in report writing and presentations;
• Must have excellent written and oral communication skills and proactive attitude;
• Must have a can-do attitude and be interested in working individually and also in a team with the highest level of integrity


The candidate should have:
• Minimum Diploma 3 in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering;
• Have minimum 3 years working experience as Electrical/Mechanical Drafter;
• Good communication skills (spoken & written English) and good computer skills (MS Office, AutoCAD) area must

If you fulfill the above requirements send your application with complete CV, expected salary, phone number and latest photograph within, not letter than 14 days after this advertisement to:


Expiry date: May 29, 2009
Read More - NAVIGAT Energy



We are one of the fastest growing company in the life insurance industry is inviting a high caliber and dynamic people in our organization to support Sales for Bancassurance Specialist in Area Banda Aceh, Batam, Pekanbaru, Medan, Padang, Bengkulu, Palembang, Jambi, Lampung, Madura, Surabaya, Malang, Pekalongan, Denpasar, Mataram, Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cilegon, Serang, Cirebon, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Manado, Palu, Makassar dan Pare-Pare.

Bancassurance Specialist

General Requirement :
* Good appearance and good health
* Have own vehicle are preferable
* Computer literate : Microsoft Office
* Age maximum 35 years
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* University graduate (min. D3) in all discipline
* Strong positive attitude and integrity with high commitment to deliver results
* Able to communicate persuasively, like to meet people and building relationship
* Confidence in servicing clients, high self-confidence and motivation

Advantages :
* Placed in BNI branches
* Opportunity to be Area Sales Manager at least 2 years Length of Services
* Fixed Salary
* Variable income

Please send your application, resume/cv, driving license, photograph, ID card and fulfill the area wanted to :
(Max 10 days after this ad.)

Inspection Engineers SINGAPURA

Inspection Engineers


* Plan and carry out comprehensive inspections on fixed equipment/piping via on-stream risk-based monitoring programs and downtime inspection activities
* Advise the Lead Inspector and/or Inspection Manager as well as the business team/unit on the inspection program findings, recommend appropriate actions to resolve corrosion issues and ensure safe and reliable operation of the equipment
* Investigate equipment failure and recommend the most cost-effective method of repair and the appropriate selection of material for the affected equipment
* Execute quality assurance to project/construction and maintenance works to ensure compliance with the applicable industry standards
* Maintain effective working relationships and communication with the Business team to eliminate/minimize materials/corrosion issues
* Constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in inspection/materials and corrosion technology through inter-affiliate technology transfers, network communications and meetings
* Maintain an effective Inspection Data Management system and a filing system for the area under your purview, and conduct periodic reviews/updates
* Continuously update Piping and Fixed Equipment Strategy for each business team/unit as leading indicators to ensure the reliability of fixed equipment and piping
* Perform Level 1 Fitness for Service engineering assessment and analyses


* A good Degree in Mechanical/Materials Engineering from a recognized University
* Minimum 5 years' relevant working experience in the petrochemical, or a similar industry, is preferred
* Strong analytical skills and good knowledge of analytical tools
* A highly motivated team player with effective communication and interpersonal skills
* Willing to work in a refinery/petrochemical plant environment

Interested candidates are invited to apply online at before 4 June 2009.

We regret that we will not be able to respond to all applications as only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Read More - Inspection Engineers SINGAPURA

PT Sriwijaya Air

HR Administration Support Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
* Female, Age Min. 21 years old
* Fresh Graduate from D3 with GPA 2.75 (Scale 4)
* Especially Majoring in Management, Business Admin, Informatika
* Good Interpersonal (Good Performance, Hard worker, helpful, friendly, honest & willing to work in Team)
* Capable to use English with Oral & Written
* Capable to Operating Microsoft Office (Word & Excel)
Send your CV to :
PT Sriwijaya Air
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 13 B. 8 - 10 Jakarta Utara 14410
Read More - PT Sriwijaya Air

Cellular Equipment SINGAPURA

We are a growing distributor company for Cellular Equipment headquarters in Singapore.

We provide miscellaneous Cellular product & services to Telecommunication Industry.

To support our plan to grow bigger, we open vacancy for below area :


General Requirement :

* Male with max 25 years.
* Have driving license A & C.
* Able to communicate in English (at least written).
* Good computer literature: MS-Office, MS Outlook, etc for both applicants
* Good interpersonal skill with self motivated, creative, innovative, self resourceful,
* Trustworthy, honest, hard-working, independent.

Specific Requirement :

* Education : Minimum D2/D3 in administration/logistic.
* Preferable with 2 years working experience in distributor / Trading company company).
* Having experience to handle import/export at Airport & Sea Port and able to coordinate
* all activities in harmony with good result.


General Requirement :

* Male with max 25 years.
* Have driving license A & C and ready to travel around Indonesia.
* Good computer literature: MS-Office, MS Outlook, etc.
* Able to communicate in English (oral & written).
* Good interpersonal skill with self motivated, creative, innovative, self resourceful,
* Trustworthy, honest, hard-working, independent.

Specific Requirement :

* Min D3 or S1 degree in Electrical/ Telecommunication.
* Having basic knowledge about Electricity connection & Electronic Equipment.
* Preferable having knowledge or experience min 2 years in Telecommunication product
* or Fiber Optic application. Able to operate any RF measurement tools (like site master,
* spectrum Analyzer, power meter, etc)
* Having good skill to coordinate work with customer and subcontractor.
* Able to climb Antenna Tower & do Not afraid of height.

For those interested, please send your Application Letter & CV
to below address or email
with current photograph and expected salary
Exp: May 30, 2009
Read More - Cellular Equipment SINGAPURA

Talisman Energy

Talisman Energy Inc. is an independent, upstream oil and gas company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, operating in North America, the North Sea, South East Asia, Australia, North Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, and currently producing 485,000 boe/d worldwide. We are committed to conducting our business in a responsible manner - ethically, socially and environmentally.

Talisman has extensive interests in Indonesia with production in 2007 of almost 55,000 boe/d which is expected to rise to almost 80,000 boe/d by 2010.

Talisman Sageri Ltd. is operator of the Sageri PSC in offshore South Sulawesi. Exploration drilling in the deepwater Makassar Strait will commence in 2010.

As one of the world s leading energy companies, our search for energy has taken us alt over the world, and we re always looking for good people who share our passion for energy. We re looking for individuals to bring their energy to a results oriented and innovative team of industry leaders.

At Talisman, you can expect to go further as part of a team that is driven by a passion for energy and a bias for results. You will be competitively compensated and rewarded for your contribution to our success.

Experienced and suitably qualified Indonesian Nationals seeking challenging employment are invited to apply for this position.

Records Coordinator (Ref 09/0158)

Reporting to General Service Manager, you will be responsible for:

* Motivating departmental staff and ensuring compliance with the Corporate Records program through excellent management skills, advanced technical expertise, and superb communication and marketing abilities
* Communicating changes and promoting adoption within the departments
* Developing business cases and managing RM projects within the departments
* Designing and delivering training in cooperation with Corporate Records on corporate records management principles, practices, bylaws, legislation and related software tools. Monitoring effectiveness of training
* Developing RM guidelines and procedures. Responsible for quality assurance and compliance issues
* Collaborating and supporting the department by assessing and addressing the department processes and RM knowledge base
* Interpreting and advising on relevant RM legislation

The ideal candidates will have:

* Bachelors degree or equivalent with Records Management certificates would be advantages
* Minimum 8 years experience in RM related activities with broad knowledge in petroleum RM operation and records classification, indexing and retention system as well as current RM issue and process
* Advanced knowledge of RM technology and application
* Proven leadership, decision making and organizational skills
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Competent on research and analytical abilities
* A demonstrated ability to mentor and train staff

Only the very best will be considered for these key positions. Address your application quoting appropriate reference number to:

Talisman Energy c / a Benchmark Recruitment
Wisma Staco 7th Floor,
JI. Casablanca Kav. 18 Jakarta 12870
Email: talisman
Or simply visit
(Please keep files to less than 500k)
Read More - Talisman Energy


Saipem (43% owned by Eni) is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services for the oil & gas industry, with unique capabilities in designing and executing large-scale offshore and onshore projects. We have a strong expertise in operating in deepwater and remote areas. We have significant technological competence in gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation.

Asia Pacific has emerged as one of the key business areas for our Group. Currently we have been granted EPCI Project located at Natuna Water. To support the project and to augment the growth and expansion plans, we are looking for the following qualified and experienced individuals to join our team as;


The Company offers excellent global career opportunities. For detailed company information, kindly visit:

Interested candidates shall apply to:

Stating position applied for in the subject e-mail. We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Read More - SAIPEM INTERNATIONAL : vacancy


Darya-Varia Group - We are a Pharmaceutical Group engaged in the manufacture and marketing of prescription and OTC medicines. We are inviting young and talented professionals to join us for the following position:

Location: Plant
Level: Supervisor

Job Description:

* To lead and supervise processing in Soft Capsule/Sterile production area and Quality Assurance
* To ensure that all process during processing in Soft Capsule/Sterile production area and Quality Assurance timely, meets quantity and quality specification and GMP


* Male/Female
* Pharmacist from reputable university
* Fresh graduate, experience will be the advantages
* Fluent in English, both written and oral
* Have good performance, communication, and interpersonal skills
* Able to work independently and in a team as well

Location: Plant
Level: Supervisor

Job Description:

* To handle production equipment and building maintenance activities of engineering service: HVAC System; Purified Water System; Electrical & PLC System; Pneumatic & Hydraulic System; Calibration, Validation, & Safety System; Building Maintenance System.
* To handle utilities and maintenance activities of engineering service: HVAC System; Purified Water System; Boiler System; Generator; Compress Air System.


* Male
* D3 mechanical / electric
* Fresh graduate or have min 2 years experience in Pharmaceutical machines
* Understand English
* Familiar with GMP Regulation
* Familiar with Microsoft Office

Location: Head Office
Level: Supervisor

Job Description:

* Build and manage relationships with customers in developing, prioritizing and documenting the IT related solutions that aligned to the business requirements and technical feasibilities
* Build and manage relationship with customer to maintain commitment on schedule and accomplishment of deliverables, including but not limited to project planning, conduct meeting, coordinate training, and initiate follow-up actions, project review and sign-off


* Initiate and manage the solution development provided by ICS development staffs and/or external resources (with the help and guidance of relevant Managers in ICS Department) to ensure the accomplishment of deliverables of the confirmed projects
* Being a resource person to Managers in ICS Department in identifying, developing and/or acquiring application and/or technology that may be benefited to the Company
* Comply with SLDC (System Development Life Cycle) of the company


* Bachelor degree in IT or computer science with min. 5 years experience
* Experiences in ERP or any integrated application system implementation
* Sound project management skills (interpersonal and communication, people management)
* Strong leadership, hardworking, persistent, result oriented
* Strong analytical and problem solving skills
* Competence in data modeling, rapid applications development, or business process mapping
* Able to work under pressure and strict deadlines

Please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph, copy of your diploma/certificates and transcript to the following address:

Talavera Office Park, 8th-10th floor
Jl. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No. 22-26
Jakarta 12430
Telp. 021-75924500
or email at:

The Royal Bank of Scotland

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) - Following the acquisition of ABN AMRO businesses The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has rebranded ABN AMRO into RBS in November 2008. RBS has inherited the experience of 183 years being the oldest foreign bank in Indonesia with the widest spread areas in 10 major cities of major islands with 20 branch network in Indonesia: Bandung, Balikpapan, Denpasar, Jakarta, Manado, Makassar, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, and Solo. RBS offers various financial services to its retail customers in Indonesia through personal finance, loan and investment products. At this moment, RBS in association with its authorized sales agencies invites you to apply for this immediate opening :

Commercial Banking Sales Officer (CBSO-SBY)
The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements :

* Male / female, maximum age 28 years old
* S1 graduate from reputable university (GPA > 2,75)
* Fresh graduated / banking experienced are welcome
* Self Motivated, Hardworking and target oriented
* Fluent in English
* To be placed In Surabaya

Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.

Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to :
Read More - The Royal Bank of Scotland

PT eFusion

eFusion is a data intelligence and direct marketing services company. We build, own and distribute consumer, trade mailing lists and geographic map overlays to connect companies to the right customers over multiple communication channels. We integrate database technologies to build web & mobile based marketing platforms to deliver targeted marketing solutions catering to the long tail advertisers in Asia.

CSS Web Designer (Strong CSS and Javascript)
eFusion is looking for a Web/Graphic Designer to be part of our design team in Jakarta. The position requires a good web designer with strong CSS and Javascript skills and a disposition to web programming languages. Candidates must be technically proficient, yet have a creative and innovative flair for designing web portals that engage in the design style guide of Web 2.0 - clean, efficient and distinctive while ultimately keeping the end user in mind.


* Must know and be equip on the knowledge of web 2.0 and its relevant topics
* Must already been exposed to Facebook, Friendster or any other web 2.0 sites
* Excellent knowledge of HTML, CSS, Flash and Action Scripting
* Responsible for the layout, visual appearance and usability of a website
* Excellent design skills and technical knowledge of all Web Design principles (typography, color, layout, motion, etc)
* Must possess good command of English (spoken/written)
* Experience in at least 2 completed life cycle of web-site implementation from conceptualization to implementation
* Excellent skills in Photoshop and Dreamweaver (Beginners need not apply)
* Well versed in Content Management System (eg. Joomla or Drupal CMS) and the design techniques of Web 2.0 would be a big advantage
* At least 3 years of experience in the Web Design industry with a relevant qualification in IT/Visual Communications/Interactive Media Design or equivalent.
* A desire to learn and an extremely strong sense of responsibility, independence and well-organized
* Able to manage timeline and work under tight schedule

Interested applicants are invited to send or email a detailed resume, stating qualifications, experience, portfolios, current and expected salaries, as well as availability together with a non-returnable photograph to the following address:

PT eFusion
Merpati Building 2nd Floor
Jl. Angkasa Blok B 15 Kav.2 -3
Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat

To :
cc :

Subject : CSS Web Designer
We regret that only short listed candidates would be notified.
Read More - PT eFusion


PT DH Energy, a group company of PT Darma Henwa Tbk, in collaboration with international partners, produces and supplies electricity and alternative energy to power utilities and industries. The Company is urgently seeking professionals to fill the following positions at its Headquarter in Jakarta and site operations.

Manager - Procurement & Outsourcing
Job Summary:
Direct, coordinate, and monitor Procurement & Outsourcing activities such as procuring materials, equipment, machinery, office supplies, and services; lead and direct bidding process and ensure all documents required are produced appropriately and timely in compliance with the company policies, procedures, and the current regulations, in order to meet users’ needs and requirements satisfactorily.

Manager - Corporate Governance
Job Summary:
Develop and evaluate Company systems, policies, and procedure to be inline with company’s short- and long-term business objectives, prevailing regulations/ laws, and best practice of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), continuously recommend improvement of existing system, policies and procedures, in order to support the achievement of optimum business performance with well implemented good corporate governance.

Manager – Commercial
Job Summary:
Plan and coordinate marketing and sales activity for all industrial clients, to monitor each and all on-going contracts performance, and to maintain client’s high level of satisfaction through reliable and timely customer service, in order to preserve and/ or increase company revenue from industrial clients, as well as to support the achievement of company short- and long-term marketing plan.

Manager - Financial & Investment Risk management
Job Summary:
Plan, direct and control Risk Management Department, conduct non-financial audit (management & operation audit), identify company risk, monitor and evaluate risk assessment, risk control and negotiation with the insurance company in order to protect asset and company property effectively and efficiently aligned with company policies and regulation.

Electrical Engineering Manager
Level of Education: Bachelor Degree
Major: Electrical Engineering, from reputable local or overseas university
Work Experienced: 5 years in managerial field
Offering Salary: Min. IDR 18 mio in gross per month (decision: depend on competency and experience)

Key Responsibilities:

* Experience min 5 years in Electrical Engineering area. (Preferable experience in Coal Mining Industry);
* Direct and coordinate design activities to ensure compliance with specifications, codes, and customer requirements;
* Perform detailed calculations to compute and establish equipment sizing and installation standards and specifications;
* Able to research and analyze information of considerable difficulty and draw valid conclusions;
* Layout of electrical equipment and raceway plans for mining and mine process facilities including substation and distribution plans;
* Prepare and study technical drawings, specifications of electrical systems to ensure that installation and operations conform to standards and customer requirements;
* Prepare specifications for purchase of materials and equipment;
* Develop electrical power single-line diagrams for medium and low voltage systems;
* Develop elementary and interconnection diagrams for medium and low voltage motor control;
* Review electrical design drawings.

Specific Requirement:

* Knowledge of the principles and practices of electrical engineering with an understanding of mechanical and process engineering techniques;
* Knowledge of the power generation and distribution;
* Member of professional Electrical Engineering will be advantage;
* Strong communication skills of English both verbal and written are must including articulate and persuasive in oral communication;
* Willingly to travel project site.

Chemical Engineering Manager
Level of Education: Bachelor Degree
Major: Chemical Engineering, from reputable local or overseas university
Work Experienced: 5 years in managerial field
Offering Salary: Min. IDR 18 mio in gross per month (decision: depend on competency and experience)

Key Responsibilities:

* Experience min 5 years in Chemical Engineering area. (Preferable experience in Coal Mining Industry);
* Keeps abreast of customer needs and practices affecting the Chemical Management Program and communicates pertinent information to the DH Energy Team;
* Manage activities related to projects requested by the customer or identified by DH Energy Team; maintains project list; helps assign DH Energy personnel to projects
* Manage all aspects for management of onsite chemical management staff, replenishment of coal mining, as well as all chemical requirements as specified in the contract Statement of Work;
* Ensures optimum performance of the Chemical Management Program by recommending and implementing actions to improve productivity, increase effectiveness and reduce costs;
* Acts within the scope of authority and remains consistent with Company objectives, guidelines, policies and practices;
* Manage of all Suppliers, contract carriers, and deliver systems required to support customer required activities;
* Develops solutions arising from emergency situations;
* Determines appropriate chemical inventory and service levels, plans or approves corrective action or process changes as required;
* Reviews monthly site financial information and works;
* Insures all program reports are submitted correctly and in a timely manner to both internal and external customers.

Specific Requirement:

* Knowledge of the principles and practices of chemical engineering;
* Represents Operations with the continual development of Best Practices and Knowledge Sharing Initiatives;
* Abilities to successfully complete short and longer term personal and program goals;
* PEM (Professional Engineer Member) certification is considered equivalent to the appropriate bachelor’s degree;
* Strong communication skills of English both verbal and written are must;
* Willingly to travel project site.

Manager - Construction (Civil Engineering)
Job Summary:
Review all proposed power plant designs, coordinate, monitor and supervise construction activities performed by EPC contractors/ sub-contractors, identify and solve technical problems occurred timely, so as to ensure all construction projects carried out are completed appropriately (in terms of project schedule, quality, cost, and other requirements set in the contract/ blueprint).

General Requirement:
Having good leadership and relationship skill, customer oriented, business acumen, good strategic and analytical thinking, able to perform under pressure, mature and independence in solving problem, and target result oriented.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted and interviewed, a competitive remuneration package and working conditions will be offered.

Please send letter of application, CV (indicate your current salary and expected salary), with the latest photograph and a professional member of this field is an advantage.

Please indicate our reference code in the subject header of your email

Send your resume to:
Email :
Read More - PT DH ENERGY

PT Middle East Indonesia

PT Middle East Indonesia - We are fast growing Coal Mining Company. To develop the team we need qualified and competent candidates to fill the following position in the field :

Supervisor Operation (Spv-Ops)
Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree in Diploma(D3) from Social or others science
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree in Accounting (S1)
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Sengata

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree in Accounting (S1)
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Sengata

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree in Diploma(D3) from Social or others science
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree from STM
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree (S1)
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree in Law (S1)
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Qualifications :

* Min 3 years experience in the Coal Mining field
* Min Degree (S1)
* Able to communicate in English
* Good communication skill
* Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
* Placement: Muara Wahau

Interested candidates are invited to send application by post, fax or email to the address below.
Applications must be received no later than Friday, 29 May 2009.

Middle East Coal
Human Resources Department
Jl.Jend Sudirman Kav 76-78
Plaza Marein Lt.20 Jakarta Selatan 12910
Fax (021) 57954520
for email :
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Read More - PT Middle East Indonesia

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