Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Solid Black Gold

PT Solid Black Gold รข€“ Coal Mining Contractor companies having production area in Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan Province in collaboration with several concession owner, which started operation since 2006 until today. We have a standard of coal quality in complying with our customer in Japan and USA which uses for electricity. We open several positions to strengthen our manpower and business position

Mining Engineer

* Mining Degree
* AMDAL knowledge
* Ready to work in a remote area
* Ready to work in the field everyday
* Minimum 3 years experience in coal mining field
* Leadership qualities to lead foremen, operators and drivers

* Implementation of production planning
* Dewatering of the mines area
* Safety of Mine area
* Discipline of Subordinate
* Coordination with mechanical department
* Report to Mining Manager
* Report to Dinas Tambang
* Direct subordinate Production Foreman

Please send your comprehensive application and resume meeting our requirement to:

HR Department
Rukan Gading Bukit Indah M - 10
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Or mail to : careers@ptsbg.com
Closing Date: 19-8-0

PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We seek for the highly qualified professional to fill our vacant position as :

Corporate Distribution Assistant Manager (AM)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably candidate had minimum 1 year experience working in Insurance Company.
* Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Marketing, Others or equivalent.
* Full-Time and Contract position available.

PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah
Century Tower Lantai 9 Ruang 907-908 Jl.HR Rasuna Said KAV X-2 No. 4 Jakarta Selatan 12950.
Tel: +62 21 522 8145
Website: http://www.mubarakah.com
Closing Date: 4-9-09
Read More - PT Asuransi Syariah Mubarakah

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Nomor : KP.01.02/31.03-KKH/VII/2009
TAHUN 2009

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL) membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan Strata 1 (S1) dan Diploma III (D3), untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan BAKOSURTANAL dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Sehat Jasmani, Rohani dan bebas NARKOBA
- Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. .
- Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/ Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
- Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang menjalani perjanjian /kontrak kerja/ikatan dinas pada instansi lain.


- Berusia minimal 20 tahun, dan maksimal 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
- Pelamar berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diakui Depdiknas.
- Memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai dengan formasi jabatan yang dibutuhkan :





1 Surveyor Pemetaan SP

S1 Geodesi/Geomatika/
11 Orang
S1 Geografi 6 Orang
S1 Kelautan 2 Orang
2 Pranata Komputer PK S1 Teknologi Informasi 6 Orang
3 Analis Kepegawaian AK S1 Administrasi Negara/Publik/ Manajemen SDM 1 Orang
4 Verifikator Keuangan VK D III Ekonomi Akuntansi 3 Orang
5 Arsiparis AR D III Kearsipan/ Administrasi Negara 3 Orang

Surat Lamaran yang di tandatangani, dilampiri dengan :

- Fotokopi ijazah terakhir,surat tanda kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU
- Fotokopi ijazah transkrip nilai pendidikan
- Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir/ skripsi
- Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
- Foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup dengan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan surat keterangan bebas NARKOBA dari Dokter serta keterangan pendukung (pelatihan, pengalaman kerja, penghargaan, beasiswa, TOEFL,dsb).
- Membuat surat pernyataan format A1, yang ditanda tangani diatas meterai Rp. 6000,-

Seluruh berkas lamaran dimasukan dalam amplop coklat tertutup, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar pada sampul depan kiri atas amplop ditujukan kepada : Kepala BAKOSURTANAL , c.q. Kepala Biro Keuangan, Kepegawaian dan Hukum (KKH), PO. BOX 46-CBI Cibinong 16911 dan dikirim melalui pos.

Lamaran yang diantar langsung tidak akan diproses.


- Periode lamaran mulai tanggal 3 – 31 Agustus 2009 (cap pos) dan diterima panitia paling lambat 4 September 2009, jam 15.00 WIB. (diluar periode tidak akan diproses).
- Seluruh lamaran yang masuk pada periode lamaran akan diikut sertakan dalam seleksi administratif, dengan ketentuan setiap 1 (satu) formasi, sebanyak-banyaknya akan dipanggil 15 (lima belas) orang pelamar untuk masuk pada tahap ujian tertulis.
- Hasil seleksi administrasi, dan jadwal, tempat serta pelaksanaan ujian tertulis akan diumumkan pada tanggal 14 September 2009 melalui situs BAKOSURTANAL (www.bakosurtanal.go.id).
- Keputusan Panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Cibinong, 31 Juli 2009
Ketua Tim Seleksi Penerimaan PNS


Agus Prijanto

Download: Surat Pengumuman
Read More - Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL)

PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

A furniture manufacture needs a professional challenge for our position.

I.Store Manager - (Banten)


* Male or Female.
* Ages maximum 35 Years Old.
* Bachelor’s Degee in Management from reputable university.
* Has minimum GPA 3.00.
* Preferably 3-5 years experience in RITEL or Dept. Store.
* Proficient in English spoken and written.
* Good interpersonal and have a strong leadership.

II.Factory Manager - (Banten)


* Male or Female.
* Ages maximum 35 Years Old.
* Bachelor Degree in Management
* Has minimum GPA 2.75
* Preferably having 3-5 years experience in manufacturing company.
* Having knowledge in the woodworking product and industry will be preference.
* Good interpersonal and have a strong leadership.

Please submitt your detailed resume, academic record,
Expected salary and latest photograph or email to
PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang
Kampung Buaran Rt. 04/ Rw. 02 Sarua Ciputat Tangerang

Dateline: 06 September 2009
Read More - PT Bintang Lima Citra Cemerlang


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT Trikarsa Sempurna Sistemindo is one of recommended IT supplier in Jakarta, during our business operation in 2006 we have been growth very well, over than 80 Strategic Account have been dealing and doing partnership with us.

The market is tough, the challenge is great and the workload is heavy, due to our expansion and to meet the challenge of fast growth, as a Corporate we need high caliber person to fill the bellow position:

I.Network Security - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/ Female ( 25 - 30 years old )
* Graduated from recognize IT university
* GPA min 2.75 - computer background
* Have Strong experience in security solution
* Have good communication skill in English or Bahasa
* Have strong presentation skill
* Strong Expeienced in Security solution
* Familiar with SOPHOS/ SYmantex/ MaxAfee or Other AntiVirus Solution
* Experienced min 4 years
* Understand windows platform/ Active Directory

II.Purchasing IT- (Jakarta Raya)


* Female ( 25 - 30 thn )
* Graduated from recognized uiversity
* GPA min 2.75
* Have background IT
* Worked hard and teachable kind of person
* Strong analitical skill
* Familiar with microsoft Office
* Good communication skill both in english and Bahasa
* Have capacity to maintain relationship with supplier

If you strongly believe that you are the right person for this position, we invite you to apply and take challenge. Please send your application letter:

Gedung Gondangdia Lama Lt. 3 Suite 308
Jl. RP. Soeroso No. 25
Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10330
Attn. HRD Manager
Or Email: recruitment@tri-karsa.com

Christian Dior Couture Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Christian Dior Couture is one of the world’s leading luxury brands. Elegance, famous and creativity are the most common words for Dior. Offering the current season’s collections of high quality women’s ready-to-wear, handbags, small leather goods, shoes, accessories, watches and fine jewelry, Christian Dior boutiques are located in the most prestigious retail properties. To cope with our fast expansion, we invite high caliber team players to join us for the following position:

I.Boutique Manager


* Bachelor degree from overseas or reputable local university
* At least 3 years’ managerial experience in related field
* Good command of English, spoken and written
* Computer literacy is a must
* Strong in leadership and customer service
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Mature, able to work independently and under pressure

II.Administration Assistant


* S1 in Finance or Accounting from a reputable university preferable overseas graduate
* Minimum 1 year working experience in each field
* Computer literacy (e.g. Excel, Access, Word & Powerpoint)
* Good command of English, spoken & written
* Pleasant personality, able to work in a team and under pressure
* Flexible in working hour, multi tasking and good administrator

Interested parties please send your full resume and salary expectation to PT Christian Dior Indonesia, P.O. Box 6613/Jkpwk, Jakarta 10350C, or by email to hrcdfe@christiandior.fe, or by fax to (852) 2968 5782

Dateline: 20 Agustus 2009
Read More - Christian Dior Couture Indonesia

PT Mitra Berjaya Coffee (Mister Bean Coffee)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are a fast growing gourmet specialty for coffee in the local market is looking for :

I.Area Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female, Single
* Have strong leadership and organizational skills. Must be able to lead a team
* Previous experience in managerial/supervisory position, in a service or hospitality industry of at least two years.
* Can work on flexible working hours including holidays or weekends
* Honest, trustworthy, with strong motivation to succeed
* Ability to make quick decision
* A strategist, with good eye on details and able to set specific and know how to achieve them
* With a amiable and pleasant personality
* Should know basic computer skills, such as Word, Excel, etc

II.Cashier - (Jakarta Raya)


* Female, Single
* Maximum age 25 years old
* Minimum D3 from Accounting
* Minimum experience 2 years
* Domiciled at South Jakarta

If you meet above requirements, please send your comprehensively CV, recent photo, including your current expected salary, to:

Read More - PT Mitra Berjaya Coffee (Mister Bean Coffee)

INK Design Consultant

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

INK is a boutique Design Consultant, established to achieve a high dedication in assisting, facilitating and collaborating with client to fulfil the client’s design ‘needs’.
We consider ourself not only as a design firm, but more as a visual solution to our clients. We believe the word ‘visual’ provide a wider scope of design field when we collaborate with our clients to find a good solution in their visual communication and promotional needs.
Our services range from:

* Brand / Visual Identity
* Print Publications
* Digital Publications
* Promotional Items
* Environmental Design
* Photography
* Product Design
* Design Consultation

As a Design Consultant, INK is a one-stop destination where we can provide various services for our clients.

As a boutique company, we can devote individual attention to each one of our clients. We also have a strong control with the design process from the development until production stage, to ensure that the client’s need and expectation are always met.

We are looking for TELEMARKETING to join our young and creative design consultant.



* Female
* Min 1-2 years experience in Telemarketing
* Age max 28 yeras old
* Attractive Voice and pleasant personality.
* Highly Motivated, Passionate in the Marketing field, with strong target oriented.
* Strong communication, analytical and people skills.
* Able to work in a team environment.
* Passionate, Loyal, Honest, Hardworking, Discipline.
* Computer literate.
* Speaks and writes English fluently and actively.
* Academy education min D3.

II.Marketing Sales Executive
(Jakarta Raya - Sunter, Jakarta Utara)


* Male/Female
* Min 2-3 years experience in Marketing and Sales (Advertising or Design Industry would be an advantage).
* Age max 28 yeras old
* Wide client net workings in Graphic Design or Printing Industry
* Attractive and pleasant personality.
* Highly Motivated, Passionate in the Marketing field, with strong target oriented.
* Strong communication, analytical and people skills.
* Good presentation and negotiation skill.
* Able to work in a team environment.
* Passionate, Loyal, Honest, Hardworking, Discipline.
* Computer literate.
* Speaks and writes English fluently and actively.
* Academy education min D3.
* Own car or motorcycle with driver license is a plus

We provide a BIG INCENTIVE for each project

If you are what we are looking for, then send us your Application Letter, with the latest CV, Transcript of Academy, and Recent Colour Photograph to:

Nirwana Sunter Asri II
Jl. Paradise 22, Blok A3 No 87-88
Jakarta Utara 14350

Dateline: 25 Agustus 2009
Read More - INK Design Consultant

Yayasan Istana Anakku

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are looking for people with initiative, who has the approach of an open mind and think beyond barriers.
We are looking for :



* Committed to the development and teaching of pre-school children toddler & Kindergarten
* Engage and motivate children through play and hands-on activities
* Prepare and conduct daily lessons and produce course materials accordingly to school’s programmers
* Perform routine care to children
* Has ability composed lesson plan


* Male/Female
* Diploma in Pre-School Teaching / Leadership
* With GPA minimum 3.00
* Good Appearance
* Candidates with relevant teaching experience is an advantage
* Strong command of English and Bahasa
* Cheerful, enthusiastic, team-player
* Willing to learn, takes initiative

Other Information:

• Working Location : Kota Wisata Cibubur
• Full-time
• Live in Cibubur Area is a Plus

II.Customer Service


* Handling Parent customer oriented
* Target Oriented
* Make a Customer Report
* Perform routine care to children
* Good Attidude
* Fast Learner
* Have Ability to Cook is a plus
* Good Appearance


* Diploma or Degree level in Management,Akuntansi
* Min 1 years Experience of working as a customer service/Operator
* Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power point, Visio)
* Good command of English and Bahasa
* Willing to learn, takes initiative

Other Information:

• Working Location : Kota Wisata Cibubur
• Full-time
• Live in Cibubur Area is a Plus

Interested candidates are invited to submit your resume, starting expected salary and date availability together with a recent photograph to:

Email: contact.bjg@gmail.com
Read More - Yayasan Istana Anakku


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are a leading Asia Pacific IT solutions company based in Jakarta-Indonesia, currently is seeking highly qualified professional candidates. We are inviting highly motivated individuals who are willing to work in a team and challenging environment. If you think you have the qualifications below, you are welcome to apply for the following position:

I.Senior Developer / Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold min Diploma or S1 degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalents
* Good knowledge in Centura, Delphi, ASP, VB, HTML, Oracle, SQL Server, OOP, System Modeling
* Min. Exp. 3 years
* Good analyzing, creative, and good interpersonal skill
* Can work underpressure
* Good Communication

II.Junior Developer / Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold min Diploma or S1 degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalents
* Minimum 2-3 years experience as Developer
* Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
* Excellent skill ini DELPHI, PHP, ASP, SQL Server, Oracle
* Good knowledge of System design and modeling
* Familiar with Object Oriented Development
* Knowledge of J2EE Technology would be an advantage
* Creative, innovatice and able to work in dynamic working environment

III.SAP Consultant - (Jakarta Raya)


* Hold Bachelor (S1) Degree in IT / SI / Computer Engineering or equivalent
* At least 1-2 years of experience of SAP implementation / knowledge
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* Good knowledge in SAP, ABAP, MM Module and FI
* Candidate experience in one or more of the following SAP Functional Module
* Good analytical and problem solving skills
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Full-Time positions available

Please send your application letter along with your detailed CV and recent 3×4 photograph to:


Please indicate your interest in the subject line

Dateline: 01 September 2009

PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Sahid Bintan Tourism Institute, seeking a highly motivated person and team player to fill the following position which will be based at Bintan Resorts, Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau :

I.Academic & Students Affair Officer (ASAO) - (Riau)


Responsible to coordinate academic and course program, develop schedule and provide administrative requirement for all programs, manage all student & course program record, and ensure office supplies are provided. You will assist Head of Institute to liaise with hotels/ other 3rd party for On the job training Program for students. You also assist in module development as required.

Diploma in Management/ Tourism. Three years experience relevant position.

II.Business Department Manager (BDM) - (Riau)


In this position, your role is to develop business opportunities covers but not limited to tourism, events and property rental, implement strategies in managing business department to meet net revenue target and ensure compliance to company procedure and business ethic.

Degree holder in Management, 3 years experience in related field especially in Tourism
Industry. Strong Leadership and customer focus oriented

III.Port Officer - (Riau)


Report to Ferry Terminal Manager, ensure compliance of day to day ferry terminal operation, perform port administration task and ensure continuous improvement for better customer service and efficiency. You are also to perform emergency evacuation by sea as required.

Posses ANT 4 certificate with at minimum 3 years experience or Diploma 3 Port Management

IV.Civil Engineer (CE) - (Riau)


Plan and lead a team of technical personnel to oversee and execute earthwork, road works, bridges, drainage and other infrastructural works. Must be able to prepare budgets/cost estimates for projects and drainage and structural drawing for infrastructural works. Must have sound knowledge in soil dynamics and testing requirements (eg. Attemberg limit test, grading analysis, compaction test and ground settlement test and observation.

Degree in Civil Engineering, 5 years experience in related construction, strong
planning and organizational abilities, good leadership, good interpersonal and
negotiation skills, familiar using autocad, and other Civil Engineer and Structural Programs.

V.Ferry Terminal Manager (FTM) - (Riau)

Responsible to ensure the ferry terminal operation inline with International Ship Port Security Code with regards to Safety, Security of vessels and Passengers, lead all teams to perform excellence service to customer and obtain revenue as per target.

Graduate from Sea Transport Academy or equivalent, knowledge in port operation, fluent in English and excellent Report Writing, minimum 5 years experience in port operation and documentation. Has strong leadership, integrity, and customer focus oriented.

Competitive salary and benefits will commesurate with past experience. Housing, transportation, meals, medical benefit and insurance are provided.

Send your application letter with CV including Recent photos and state your expectation salay not later than 2 weeks after the date of this advertisment to :

HR Manager PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala
Wisma Bintan Resort Jl. Kota Kapur
Lagoi 29155 Teluk Sebung, Kep. Riau
Or e-mail to : recruitment_brc@bintan-resorts.com
Visit our website: www.bintan-resort.com
Read More - PT. Bintan Resort Cakrawala

Ciputra Group

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

I.IT Support (Balikpapan) - (Jakarta or Balikpapan)

* Having knowledge/experience in LAN/WAN, hardware/software support
* Having experience using Vb and My Sql
* Familiar with Delphi
* Good attitude and willing to work hard
* All the selection process will be done in Jakarta or Balikpapan

II.IT Programmer - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female, max 35 years old
* IT background education with min GPA 2,75
* Having related experience as programmer min 3 years
* Having good knowledge and skill using Delphi, My SQL and SQL Server
* Willing to located in our project at Citra Indah Jonggol
* Willing to work based on contract for 1 year
* High motivated person and willing to learn

III.Secretary Director - (Jakarta Raya)


* Female
* Maximum age 27 years old
* Associate degree in Secretarial (preferably from Tarakanita Secretarial Academy)
* Having experience as secretary director min 2 years
* Having integrity, good communication skill
* Willing to be placed in Pondok Indah

IV.Plumbing Inspector - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male
* Maximum ge 30 years old
* Bachelor degree / Associate degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
* Having experience as Plumbing Inspector for office building in contractor / developer / consultant min 3 years

V.Structure Inspector - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male
* Maximum age 30 years old
* Bachelor Degree / Associate Degree in Civil Engineering
* Having experience as Structure Inspector for office building in contractor / developer / consultant min 3 years

If you

Send your full resume to:
HRD Ciputra Group
Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6
Jakarta 12940
by email to : hrd@ciputra.com
Read More - Ciputra Group


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Kami adalah sebuah Group Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang pesat dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan saat ini sedang melaksanakan pembukaan lahan, pembibitan dan penanaman di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur.

Kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional dan handal untuk dapat ditempatkan di lokasi maupun head office dengan posisi :

IT Engineer


* Pendidikan S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika
* Dengan IPK min 2.75
* Menguasai LAN, trouble shooting, maintenance, familiar dengan software application &
operating system
* Bersedia melakukan perjalana ke seluruh lokasi perkebunan

Kirim lamaran dan CV anda dalam words / pdf format dengan ukuran file maximum 450 Kb dengan melampirkan pas poto terakhir dan kode posisi sebagai subject email ke :




Closing Date: 26-8-09

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

PT. AIA Financial

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Traffic Head


* Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Logistic/Transportation/Tourism or equivalent.
* Have experince min 3 years at same field as a supervisor/ manager.
* Have an experiece in travel matters : Ticketing, Hotel bookings, Tender specifications, Overseas travel, Oversea/Domestic Convention Planner.
* Proficiency in English language both in verbal and written communication
* Ability to use MS Windows and MS Office
* Able to work under pressure and work with team.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lippo Karawaci.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

If you feel that you are qualified for the above position, please send your application letter, CV, copy of transcripts, and one recent photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks, with the code on the top left of the envelope, to the following address:

Human Resources Department - PT. AIA Financial Menara Matahari, 6th Floor
Jl. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci 1200
Tangerang 15811
or send email to: vacancyataia-financial.co.id
Read More - PT. AIA Financial

PT. Astra Intl Tbk Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


Requirement :

* Education background : Diploma with GPA min. 2,8
* Preferably having experience as secretary for minimum 1 year
* Excellent Communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills
* Having good personality
* Self Motivated and capable of independent work activities
* Must be proficient in English (written & active speaking)
* Competency in work processing software and Microsoft Office

If you are interested, please send :

* Complete CV with your latest picture
* Your previous & current JOB DESCRIPTION in English

Before 10 August 2009 to : recruitmentattso.astra.co.id

Put subject at your email : Secretary
Read More - PT. Astra Intl Tbk Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000)

PT Xsis Mitra Utama

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Oracle Developer


* At least 2 years of experience in Oracle development field or project
* Skills : Oracle developer, PL/SQL, Oracle Form/Report
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to:

PT Xsis Mitra Utama
Graha BIP Lt. 7
Gatot Subroto Kav. 23
Jakarta 12930
Email: recruitmentatxsis.co.id
Read More - PT Xsis Mitra Utama

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Organization Development & System Manager (ODSM)


* Developing strategy for the organizational, system, and people development in conjunction with the vision and mission of the company.
* Developing strategy and ensuring that the Performance Management system is properly implemented.
* Facilitating Performance Management cycle
* Supervising the HRIS maintenance & development of the system
* Conduct Leadership Development & Coaching Program
* Facilitate trainings
* Conduct recruitment

* Highly-persistent in achieving targets & striving for excellence
* Able to mobilize cooperation from related functions
* Good executor & communicator
* Good empathy & sensitive to the organization culture
* Able to be decisive
* Not yet highly-seasoned but street-smart
* Creative at the middle level
* Passionate in the people development function
* Total 5 years of experience in Recruitment, Learning & Development, with 2 years at the managerial level.
* Have an understanding of Training Need Analysis and Talent Management
* Any relevant educational background

For the selected candidate, we provide a very competitive remuneration in term of salary, compensation & benefit, and education & training.

Please send your CV to:
Visit our homepage www.multibintang.co.id

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Read More - PT Multi Bintang Indonesia

Schneider Electric

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Schneider Electric, the world leader in electricity and automation management. It is a great place for top talents, ready to cross all frontier. Make the strategic move, join our 112.000 employees and catch the chance to follow your best career path in 106 countries.
We’re offering the following positions for our Branch in Balikpapan:

I.Safety Officer


Responsible to develop and administer programs, to ensure employee safety and agency compliance with safety, health and environmental regulations for specified facilities, operations and the visiting public.


* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering or Occupational Health & Safety.
* Minimum 2 years experiences in SHE function, particularly in manufacturing industry.
* Understanding on Planning, Organizing & Coordination skills.
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Willing to be placed in Cikarang

II.HR Manager for Industrial (HRM)


Responsible for Industrial in Human Resources Management function including recruitment, training, organization development, employee relations, may also include administration. To ensure Human Resources Management aligned with the company business strategy


* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Psychology/ Industrial Engineering/ other Social Sciences.
* Minimum 6 years of experiences in Human Resources.
* Understanding on HR tools methodology and practices.
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written.
* Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Willing to be placed in Cikarang


Responsibilities :

Responsible to maintain & develop present and new customer, to promote and sell Schneider product & offer, to gain customers’ requirements and provide technical solution based on their needs. Candidate must process strong drive to achieve sales target.

Requirements :

* Graduated from Electrical Engineering majoring in Power or Control from reputable University S1 degree.
* Minimum 2 years experiences.
* Able to communicate in English and Computer literate.
* Fast learning, good analytical skill & posses strong drive.
* Able to work under pressure, good teamwork.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products in Medium & Low Voltage are definite advantages


Suitable candidate will have to:

* To ensure the 5S awareness are in place among organization
* To ensure 5S are effectively implemented within Industrial both manufacturing & Engineering


* Graduate in Industrial Engineer
* Minimum 2 years of experience in related job
* Demonstrate good communication skill.
* Proficient in English, verbal and written.
* Computer literate (Windows applications).
* Demonstrate analytical skill.

Send your CV to:

Deadline:20 Agustus 2009
Read More - Schneider Electric

KINO Group

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Distribution - Food Confectionery - Personal Care - House hold product - Pharmaceutical - Beverages

We are looking for creative and innovative individuals for:

I.Accounting Staff-(Jakarta Raya)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

II.SALES MARKETING MANAGER (Pharmacy)-(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)


* Highly creative and innovative individual, max 34 years old
* At least 5 years working experience in Pharmaceuticals
* Held minimum S1 degree from Medical/Pharmacy
* Systematic and strong analytical skill
* Great interpersonal and love to be a part of dynamic team
* Placement in Jakarta
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

III.Senior Brand Manager (Pharmacy)-(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)


* Highly creative and innovative individual, max 34 years old
* At least 3 years working experience in Pharmaceuticals
* Held minimum S1 degree from Medical/Pharmacy
* Systematic and strong analytical skill
* Great interpersonal and love to be a part of dynamic team
* Placement in Jakarta
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

IV.HSE Supervisor - (Jawa Barat - Sukabumi)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety) or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): ISO 9001 Versi 2000.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Environmental/Health/Safety or equivalent. Job role in Environmental, Health & Safety Engineer Environmental, Health & Safety Engineer or Management.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

V.Staff Teknik - (Jawa Timur - Pandaan)


* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS Office.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Engineering - Mechanical/Automotive or equivalent. Job role in Mechanical Engineer or Technician/Support.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Only shortlisted candidates will be proceedSend your resume to:
Datascrip Building 5th floor, Kawasan Niaga Selatan, Blok B15, Bandar Kemayoran, Jakarta 10610
Deadline : 27 Agustus 2009
Read More - KINO Group


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

A world class Office Interiors Trading & Fit-out Contracting Company is urgently searching for real competent candidates to fill in the following positions:

I.Marketing Executive - (Jakarta Raya)


* Maximum 30 Years Old.
* Graduated from any major.
* Minimum 1 year experience in Marketing, preferable be familiar with high-quality Office Interior Products.
* Target oriented and good negotiation skill.

II.Marketing Group Leader - (Jakarta Raya)


* Minimum S1 of Interior Design or Architecture or Civil Engineering.
* Ages maximum 35 Years Old.
* Minimum 3 years experiece in Marketing Interior Bussiness, has wide networks in Office Interior Bussiness.
* Deep knowledge and has expertise in window blind or office interior product.
* Target oriented and good negotiation skill.

Interesting compensation, benefit, facility and sales commission will be available.
If you really meet the requirements & qualifications, please email your detailed application ( recent color photo attachment is a must ) to :

post / send it to :

HRD Manager
Menara Batavia, 3rd Floor
Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta Pusat 10220

Deadline 22 Agustus 2009

GE Oil & Gas

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

GE Oil & Gas; Field Service Engineers

We re ready
With advanced technology products and services for the oil and gas industry.

All we need is you.
Field Service Engineers

GE Oil & Gas is recruiting:
Field Service Engineers with 5+ years experience in deep water drilling & production systems and rotating equipment on maintenance or instrument / control activities on oil and gas products (Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines, Centrifugal Compressors and Auxiliary Systems).

• Senior Mechanical / Control Field Service Engineer - Indonesia (Job # 1054886)

Contact our recruit at: oilandgas.ASIA@ge.com
Please visit www.gecareers.com and apply for this position. For more information www.geoilandgas.com
Expiry date: August 15, 2009
GE imagination at work
Read More - GE Oil & Gas

multinational oil and gas service company

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Our client, a leading multinational oil and gas service company is looking for:

Well Construction Business Unit Coordinator

Managing all aspects of the Well Construction Business Unit to ensure compliance with company policies. Maximizing market share, revenues and profit by controlling cost, developing marketing strategies and introducing new technologies.

• Bachelor of Petroleum / Mechanical Engineering / Management discipline or equivalent
• Experienced in Completions, Liner Hanger, Inflatable Packers, Cementing and Down-hole tools
• Minimum of 5 years experiences in oilfield services
• Minimum of 3 years in a similar position
• Good knowledge of specific software (T&D, TubeMove)
• QHSEE procedural knowledge

Executive Account Manager (3 positions)

Identify business opportunities early in the sales cycle and quantify the potential. Their focus will be on the highest value customers and / or deals that can have significant bottom line impact to our client’s business

• Master of Engineering or similar petrochemical relevant technical subject
• Must possess at least 3 years relevant experience in offshore or land operations, ideally, which should have been in a marketing and/or support capacity
• Demonstrate good knowledge of rig systems / production drilling operations and a full understanding of down-hole hydraulics
• Demonstrate supervisory and communication skills
• Must have a clear customer focus and be able to understand the business cultures in different areas of the business

Well Construction Business Unit Manager

Managing all aspects of the Well Construction Business Unit to ensure compliance with company policies. Maximizing market share, revenues and profit by controlling cost, developing marketing strategies and introducing new technologies.

• Bachelor of Petroleum / Mechanical Engineering / Management discipline or equivalent
• Minimum of 8 years experiences in oilfield services
• Minimum 5 years in a similar position
• Good knowledge of specific software (T&D, TubeMove)
• QHSEE procedural knowledge

Fishing Tool Supervisor (3 positions)

Operate a full range of open and casing hole fishing tools, maintain equipment and assist customer with well problems and planning

• Bachelor of Engineering, preferably in Mechanical
• 5 years experience oil field rig experience as drill or higher position
• 5 years experience with open and cased hole fishing operations
• Strong operational and technical skills, good knowledge of down hole tools and fishing equipment and an understanding of down hole conditions.
• QHSE procedural knowledge, extensive equipment and product knowledge.
• Mechanical aptitude, good customer and employee interpersonal skills.
• General computer knowledge

Applications will be treated with the strictest confidence and should be forwarded to:weatherford@benchrecruit.com

Only shortlisted candidate that will be notified

Expiry date: August 17, 2009
Read More - multinational oil and gas service company

Mercy Corps Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Mercy Corps Indonesia Open Vacancy

Bandar Lampung and Semarang

1. City Project Officer – Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) Project
The City Project Officer will work closely with city network coordinator to organize and facilitate Indonesian city networks activities to develop, plan, budget, and identify potential funding for participatory, city level, climate change resilience strategies. This position will be required to work with a wide range of networking with city stakeholders spanning civil society, private sector, local government, etc.


3 years of experience in Indonesia climate change initiatives and/or urban development;
Experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
Experience in networking and project implementation, and documentation related to Indonesian climate change issues, and Indonesian government climate change initiatives and actors;
BA/S or higher in environmental sciences, or similar field;
Fluency in English verbal and written communication is essential;
Ability to multi-task, follow procedures, meet deadlines and works independently and cooperatively with team members essential;
Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory;
Willing to travel regularly to Jakarta;
Willing to work when required during evenings and weekends for travel to and/or meetings with city networks.

Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to: hrd@id.mercycorps.org before: 9 August 2009.

We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.
Read More - Mercy Corps Indonesia


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

DAI-AMARTA, a USAID sponsored project in agribusiness markets and support activities seeks applicants for position of Information Officer-Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, to be based in Makassar, Denpasar, and Medan. He/she will be responsible for the following:

a) help establish efficient and effective M&E systems that will assist in the measurement of impact against AMARTA indicators;
b) monitor and evaluate program implementation by field staff for the AMARTA value chain activities – to provide recommendations on program implementation;
c) collect and provide accurate and timely reporting on progress of AMARTA activities with other stakeholders and partners against program indicators;

The successful candidate will be responsible for submitting high quality reports to include beneficiary testimonials, bi-weekly, quarterly and annual reports to be submitted in English. For this position, the following skill sets are required:

a) Ability to design and prepare baseline survey's and post-activity surveys for the various program activities;
b) Establish methods and guidelines to effectively coordinate, collect and analyze information that is gathered;
c) Experience in managing database - ability to manage, coordinate and establish database, data entry, data cleaning etc where required or identify short term consultants to do the same assignment;
d) Statistical and analytical skills familiarity with excel, MySQL, Access, SPSS other packages;
e) High degree of English spoken and written skills --- should provide samples of written work
f) A team player, excellent communication skills, high degree of initiative, good interpretation and analytical skills, a minimum of Bachelor’s degree.

Applications are open to qualified men and women with the right to work in Indonesia.

Send cover letter and resume/CV to: hrd.amarta@gmail.com. NLT August 15th, 2009. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.

Veda Technology Limited

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Veda Technology Limited is an indigenous computer manufacturing company, that prides itself in manufacturing and assembling quality and affordable computers with exciting designs and top of the range, user-friendly features.
The founders understood the demand for premium personal computers by a new breed of consumers who need a platform tailor-made for their needs and interests. VEDA sees this growth and strives to enhance the quality of computing with its platforms.
Veda is now recruting for Sales & Marketing Executives .
Key Responsibilities :
To take responsibility for specific marketing campaigns and projects within the department and to assist with the implementation of the departments, policy, strategies and campaigns.
Job Description

* To create, manage and maintain positive relationships with new or existing clients and channel partners.
* To assist with the implementation and achievement of the Company's marketing strategy with specific objectives and targets as agreed.
* Maintain liaison with external and internal sales partners.
* Assisting in commissioning and delivery of marketing material."

Skills/Experience Required

* Negotiation skills
* Leadership Skills
* B.sc Degree
* 2-3 years Work experience

In order to apply, please send your CV to cv@vedatechnology.com
Read More - Veda Technology Limited

Information & Communication Technology Company

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

A dynamic and well focused Information & Communication Technology Company wishes to engage competent and highly focused personnel in the Kaduna branch as:

• Identify opportunities for business development
• Responsible for the overall coordination of the office
• Build appropriate strategies & programs for business growth
• Budget Planning and implementation
• Build and sustain excellent relationship with clients
• Coordinate, administer and market Company products
• Manpower development and administration
• Effectively participate in product development process

Skills Requirement:
• Strong business sense
• Excellent interpersonal, managerial and leadership skills
• Very strong marketing, analytical & conceptual ability

Other Requirements:
• Minimum of B.Sc (2nd class division) in Computer' Science or any related discipline
• Additional qualification of MBA will be an added advantage.
• Resident within Kaduna Metropolis
• Ability to communicate in Hausa language apart from proficiency in English language is desirable
• Minimum of 6 years experience in an ICT Company especially in the provision of electronic solutions
• Must not be above 36 years

• Very attractive and competitive.

Method of Application:
Qualified and interested candidates should forward a copy of their CVs and an accompanying application letter to: jobs@ictjobsrecruitment.com
Please note that only applicants who possess these requisite qualifications stated above will be short-listed and invited for interview.

Closing Date: 11th August 2009.
Read More - Information & Communication Technology Company


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Job Vacancies and Careers are available for applications at KCA DEUTAG OIL & GAS WEL DRILLING for immediate employment. KCA DEUTAG Well Drilling is one of the largest Oil & Gas Drilling contractors outside the Americas. KCA DEUTAG Oil & Gas Drilling are responsible for managing more than 100 Oil and Gas Drilling rig operations, both onshore and offshore in more than 20 countries and are a world leader in the design and construction of drilling facilities.




Higher School and/or Degree/Diploma in technical Oriented courses

2-3 years experience on Oil & Gas Well Drilling and Work over rig operations

Possess WCF Certificate at Supervisory Level

Professional and Disciplined managing of Drilling personnel as well as technical instructions of service companies

Responsible for complying with technical guidelines of the Oil & Gas Drilling contract, company & jobs regulations

Responsible for maintaining the giving Oil and Drilling Program in accordance with the clients representative, regular instruction of assigned personnel in KCA DEUTAG

Co-ordination of the tasks on the Oil & Drilling rig, overseeing of equipment, issuing of cementation, piping reports etc

HOW TO APPLY FOR THE JOBS: Please forward your application and qualifying academic and training certificate to: Nigeria.hhr@ng.kcadeutag.com


Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

PT. Bank Andara

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT. Bank Andara is a foreign private commercial bank, opening the opportunity for talented banking professionals to share its passion for excellence in its new business direction as a wholesale bank serving the microfinance industry.

Customer Service Officer (Head Teller)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Computer literate & ability to work in computerized environment
* Good Personality, honest, highly motivated, hard worker, highly accuracy, excellent
administration, and disciplined
* Excellent ability to write and communicate both in English and Bahasa Indonesia
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* Female, max. 30 years old
* Minimum Diploma / Bachelor Degree of any disciplines from a reputable university with min.
GPA 2.75
* Have minimum 3 years banking experience
* Excellent communication skill is a must

Please submit your application letter, comprehensive resume in English and a recent photograph to :


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview appointments.

Closing Date: 8-8-09
Read More - PT. Bank Andara

SMART Telecom

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

SMART Telecom is a cellular telecommunication network and service provider under SINARMAS GROUP, currently developing telecommunication technology with third-generation (3G) CDMA 2000 1X EVDO basis which has national coverage license.

Data Performance Analysis Staff
(Jakarta Raya)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
(Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent
* Having an experience in telco industry min 3 years
* Have a strong Ms. Office and database software
* Full-Time position available

Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email to:

Closing Date: 13-Agus-09
Read More - SMART Telecom

PT Wanasawit Subur Lestari

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Dibutuhkan Segera !

Agronomy Supervisor
(Jakarta Raya)


* Laki – laki
* Usia max 35 Th
* Menguasai Ms. Office
* Pendidikan Min D3 Perkebunan/Pertanian
* Pengalaman 2 tahun di bidang Agronomy
* Pernah bekerja di perkebunan kelapa sawit, min sebagai Senior Asisten / Kasie Tanaman
* Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke kebun

PT Wanasawit Subur Lestari
Jl Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 43 Menara GLobal Kuningan Timur
Jakarta Selatan 12950.

Closing Date: 21-8-09.
Read More - PT Wanasawit Subur Lestari

Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Danamon Simpan Pinjam adalah salah satu segmen Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk yang menangani usaha mikro dan kecil di Indonesia, dan saat ini bekerjasama dengan PT. Advance Career Indonesia untuk memfasilitasi anda sebagai karyawan Outsource. Apabila anda adalah orang yang menyukai tantangan, kami mengajak anda untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

Junior Sales Officer (JSO - SEMM)
(Jawa Timur)

Jember, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso, Kediri, Blitar, Malang, Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Probolinggo, Situbondo, Lumajang, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Krian, Mojosari, Pasuruan, Gresik, Lamongan, Babat, Tuban, Bojonegoro, Mataram, Bali.


* Bertanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian target penjualan
* Mengembangkan dan mengelola portfolio
* Meningkatkan hubungan dengan existing nasabah


* Pendidikan min DIII, IPK min 2.75
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Memiliki kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua dan SIM C
* Menyukai tantangan
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (Min Ms. Office & Excel)
* Menguasai bahasa daerah dan komunitas setempat
* Paket Kompensasi dan Benefit yang Anda dapatkan:
o Mendapatkan Gaji tetap setiap bulan
o Status karyawan adalah Pegawai Outsource PT. ACI (Advance Career Indonesia)
o Jenjang karir yang jelas
o Training & Coaching yang berkesinambungan
o Suasana kerja yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan
o Asuransi kesehatan untuk diri sendiri
o Insentif yang menarik

Surat lamaran lengkap dengan daftar riwayat hidup, surat referensi, copy transkrip, dan ijazah terakhir serta 2 lembar pas foto ukuran 3x4, cantumkan Kode Lamaran disudut kanan atas amplop dan Lokasi Pemenpatan di sudut kiri atas, kirim ke alamat berikut:

Danamon Simpan Pinjam Dinoyo
Jl. MT Haryono Ruko Dinoyo Permai Kav 6-A
Up. Danie Budi Santoso

BDI Gubernur Suryo
Jl. Gubernur Suryo No.12 Lt.5
Up. Erfan Permana / Erny Triswandari

Closing Date: 24-8-09
Read More - Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk

Mindlab Indonesia (Gading Serpong)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

* Full time/Part time teaching opportunities for 1 hour after school (one afternoon upwards as desired) to teach MindLab’s enriching fun-packed programme, which uses board games to develop children’s thinking, problem-solving and interpersonal skills.


* Min 2 yrs teaching exp.
* Fluent in English and Indonesian.
* Training provided.

If you are friendly and personable, please contact MindLab for details of our teaching opportunities in Gading Serpong.

Send cv with photo to:


Interviews will be held in: Mindlab Gading Serpong at Gading Serpong

Mindlab Indonesia (Gading Serpong)
Perum Beryl Jl.Beryl Timur I No.3 - Gading Serpong
Tangerang 15810.

Closing Date: 19-8-09.
Read More - Mindlab Indonesia (Gading Serpong)


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT TATASOLUSI PRATAMA (PMA Company) is the premier comfort and process solutions provider company in the business of creating comprehensive solutions for all HVAC needs in Indonesia. We always ready to assist in designing, project management, installation, building and system automation, custom-designing energy saving programs to optimize the assets and resources. Due to our business development, we are inviting high professionals to join us as :

I.Sales Engineer to Technical Service Division (for Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali)


* Source for new leads and opportunities to secure new service contracts for the company
* Assist in implementation of business plan, especially in activities for achieving the company sales target
* To establish and maintain excellent relationship with customers through professional technical approach
* To promote the value of the company by offering professional sound technical solution to customers problems
* Collect market information for feedback to management


* Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Industrial Engineering with min GPA 2.75
* Minimum 2 or 3 years related sales experience preferably in providing HVAC services
* For Sales Engineer Bali has extensive network in providing HVAC services/solutions for Hotels in Bali
* Candidate with good business contacts especially HVAC industry would be an added advantage
* Resourceful, highly motivated, and able to work independently
* Good communication, public relations skills, and leadership skills
* Team player
* Own vehicle and willing to travel
* Excellent spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia. Knowledge of other languages is an added advantage

II.Senior Sales Manager (Modern Channel)


* Forecasting periodical sales and to execute sales activities to promote company’s products
* Provide quality service relationships to existing accounts and continuously solicit for new market opportunities with new accounts
* Undertake market research to identify, develop, and generate new business to achieve additional revenue
* Accountable to achieving sales target
* Maintain sales volume, product mix, and margin in line with company’s target
* Controlling and collection the account receivables
* Develop and drive implementation of business plan


* Recognized degree preferably in marketing or management
* Minimum 3 years of experience in managing distribution channel & Modern Trade Key Account
* Having product knowledge in Inverter System is an advantage
* Target oriented & Profit driven
* Have depth knowledge of Retail business especially modern channel and its network development
* Can work under tight timeline to deliver sales targets
* Commendable presentation and negotiation skills
* Having a good understanding in Supply Planning activities and SOP business processes and any relevant business processes
* Understanding of end to end Supply Chain functional areas
* Highly motivated, result-oriented with a positive outlook and an eye for opportunities and the drive to seize them
* Dynamic with strong communication, organizational, and presentation skill
* Team player
* Own vehicle and willing to travel
* Excellent spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia. Knowledge of other languages is an added advantage

We offer an attractive remuneration package, which shall commensurate with qualification and experience to the successful candidate. To apply for this position, please forward your application with a detailed resume and recent photograph to:

HR Recruitment Department
hr_jkt@tsp-id.com (West Area)
hrd_sby@tsp-id.com (East Area)

For more detail visit our website at www.tsp-id.com

Dateline: 15 Agustus 2009

PT EJJV Engineering Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are an Contractor & Consultants in Oil & Gas Industry which are looking for the following positions to meet the position required :

I.Technical Support


* Male
* Min S1 Any disciplines, Technical Background
* Min 2 years working experience
* Medically and Physically Fit
* Hard worker, able to team work & under pressure deadline
* Highly responsive, initiative, analytical thinking

* Added Advantage :
* Good command in English (Both & Oral)
* Familiar with computer program MS world & excel, Photoshop, power point, adobe reader.
* Other course / certificate will be advantaged

II.Piping Engineer


* Male
* Min S1 degree in Mechanical Engineering
* Min 5 years working experience engineering & construction
* Familiar with ANSI, ASME, API code (Oil & Gas Industry)
* Medically and Physically Fit
* Hard worker, able to team work & under pressure deadline
* Highly responsive, initiative, analytical thinking

* Added Advantage :
* Good command in English (Both & Oral)
* Familiar with computer program MS world & excel, Photoshop, power point, adobe reader.
* Other course / certificate will be advantaged

III.HRD Specialist


* Added Advantage :
* Good command in English (Both & Oral)
* Familiar with computer program MS world & excel, Photoshop, power point, adobe reader.
* Other course / certificate will be advantaged


* Male
* Min S1, mostly Psychology graduate
* Min 5 years working experience in HR matters.
* Exp handling agreement & employee contract
* Medically and Physically Fit
* Hard worker, able to team work & under pressure deadline
* Highly responsive, initiative, analytical thinking

IV.Accounting Supervisor


* Min S1 Accounting
* Min 5 years working experience
* Medically and Physically Fit
* Experience handling taxes
* Monthly & yearly report
* Male
* Good command in English (Both & Oral)
* Familiar with MYOB
* Brevet A & B



* Min S1
* Min 5 - 10 years working experience
* Medically and Physically Fit
* Experience handling proposal & estimating
* Hands on for some proposal project
* Male
* Good command in English (Both & Oral)
* Preferable From Oil & Gas Contractor
* Indenpendent & Initiative, hard worker & able to work
* Under pressure & deadline target

Please submit your application & CVs complete with copy of certificates to:
Email : hrd@ejjv.net

PT EJJV Engineering Indonesia
Gedung Adhi Graha Lt.12 Suite 1204 A Jl.Jend Gatot Subroto Kav.56 Jakarta Selatan 12950.
Website: http://www.ejjv.com.my

Dateline: 18 Agustus 2009
Read More - PT EJJV Engineering Indonesia

PT Harind Sarana Graha Utama

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

I.Drafter - (Jakarta Raya - Sunter)


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Hold Bachelor (S1) degree in Architect or Civil Engineering
* Graduated from reputable University with min GPA 3.00
* Having min 3 years experience at the same field
* Able to operate autocad 2000 2D & 3 D (new version is preferable)
* Familiar with Ms Office (Ms. Outlook), Photoshop & Coreldraw
* Good comprehension of technical drawing
* Previous experience with Aluminium Door & Windows Design & Project would be preferable
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Honest, hard worker and creative, willing to work as a team and have a good interpersonal skill, self motivated and willing to work under pressure
* Willing to be stationed in Sunter-Jakarta Utara

II.Sales Executive - (Jakarta Raya)


* Look for new markets, attact new customers, and maintain networking
* Do product presentation to clients and follow them up and canvassing
* Keep a good relationship with Architects, Developers, Contractors, Dealers, Private and Government Offices


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Hold Bachelor (S1) degree in Architecture/Civil
* Graduated from reputable University with min GPA 3.00
* Having min 2 years experience
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Honest, hard worker and creative, willing to work as a team and have a good interpersonal skill Self motivated and willing to work under pressure
* Good communication skills, presentation skills and negotiation skills
* Highly achievement motivation person
* Prefeable to have large network of property business
* Willing to be stationed in JDC Business Center

III.Quantity Surveyor / Estimator - (Jakarta Raya - Sunter)


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Hold Bachelor (S1) degree in Architect or Civil Engineering
* Graduated from reputable University with min GPA 3.00
* Material & Cost Estimate Experience min 3 years
* Computer literate ( Autocad & Ms. Office)
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Honest, hard worker and creative, willing to work as a team and have a good interpersonal skill, self motivated and willing to work under pressure
* Willing to be stationed in Sunter-Jakarta Utara

Please send your Application, CV and a photograph within 2 weeks to:
PO. Box 1016 JKT 14010
or email:
Read More - PT Harind Sarana Graha Utama


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Quiksilver, the global leader in the board riding lifestyle and fashion market is seeking talented and energetic persons to fill the following positions:



* Male / Female, possess at least a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design or relevant fields.
* Minimum 3 years relevant work experience in retail and fashion area.
* Posses a good command in English and in computer applications.
* Highly motivates person and target oriented, able to work in a tight deadline and eager to deal with challenges.
* Ability to keep abreast of new graphic design technologies and implement new and fresh ideas.
* Must mastery graphic design tools, able to promote and marketing product is a plus.
* Ability to take initiative and work independently / team, multi task & attention to detail.
* Knowledge in clothing development is an advantage.
* Expert in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In design, Macromedia Freehand.
* Knowledgeable in graphics application.
* Ability to manifest idea into visual language & graphics.
* Based in Jakarta

II.Retail Sales Asst.Manager / Retail Sales Manager


* Male / Female Max 35 Years, University graduate in related discipline.
* Minimum 3-5 years of experience in overall garment retail operations.
* Must be well experienced in the integration of garment trading, manufacturing, distribution and retail business.
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
* Familiar with retail strategy, inventory control, point of retail management, retail sales channels and retail network development.
* Having wide interaction with dept. stores
* Good knowledge in textile / fashion
* Detail oriented, communicative, strong strategic & conceptual thinking
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Based in Jakarta

Applicants should send a cover letter in English along with current CV and photo to: kirana@quiksilver.co.id,

PT. Kaltim Prima Coal

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sengata East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world.
Opportunity exists for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sengata-East Kalimantan for the positions of:

I.Superintendent Customs & Port Administration (Code: SCPA)
(Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan)


* Plan and direct all activities of KPC formalities for import and export by ensuring auditable and efficient processes.
* Maintain good relationship with the respective offices and liaise the company in day to day operational issue relating the port formalities.
* Ensure KPC Safety Standards are obeyed by the Government Officers assigned at the Special Port.
* Secure permits required to support the Special Port Operation.


* Hold S1 degree in Accounting/Business or related discipline with 7 years experience or Senior High School with 15 years experience in Customs formalities, particularly in mining industry.
* Understand Customs Law and regulations.
* Knowledge of export import and international trade.
* Familiar with Master-list and Customs module.
* Leadership, Contract and Conflict Management, Problem Solving and Decision Making skills.
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill (oral & written) in both Bahasa Indonesia and English

II.Mining Engineer (Code ME)
(Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan)


* Undertake short and long term production and financial planning to determine the resources required to operate the pit, manage operating cost within budget, identify key issues and satisfy production goals.
* Support daily technical aspects of the pit operation such as short and long term planning, blast design, drainage and road design to assist in achieving agreed coal production targets.
* Undertake environmental rehabilitation and design process as an integral part of both short and long term planning in line with PC’s environmental policy.
* Prepare Geotechnical/Planning reports and documents to ascertain drainage, geological blasting and environmental issues impacting pit coal production.
* Conduct investigations into planning accuracy and other projects as requested.
* Evaluate equipment performance by means of field studies and analyzing production reports.
* Produce reports of the result for dissemination throughout the Mining Operation Division to enable a common approach and understanding to be gained.


* Tertiary qualification (S1 degree) in Mining Engineering with minimum 2 years experience in open cut mining operations ideally with exposure to truck and shovel operations.
* Thorough knowledge of pit production activities and equipment, pit technical and pit maintenance process, procedures and activities.
* Good knowledge of coal mining terminology.
* Excellent planning, analytical and organization skill.
* A very good understanding of MINEX mining software is preferable.
* Good Interpersonal & communication skill in both bahasa Indonesia and English
* Possess “Pengawas Operational Pratama” certification from Directorate General of Mining and Energy is preferable.

If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present positions & remuneration and your latest color photograph) no later than 10 days after the date of this advertisement to the following address:

Superintendent Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
PO Box 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or E-mail : recruitment@kpc.co.id

Please indicate the position code in the email subject
Read More - PT. Kaltim Prima Coal

Electronic City

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

We are the biggest modern electronic retail store in Indonesia, have outlet based in Jabodetabek, Medan, Bandung and Bali, looking for young professional candidates to join us in challenging positions for:

I.Store Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male max 30 years old
* Min Bachelor Degree (S1)
* Having min. 3 years experience in the related field is required for this position, especially on Retail Business (FMCG, Consumer Electronic, Gadget, Mobile Phone)
* Familiar in retail business is preferred
* Able to work in team and individually
* Possesses good leadership skills and be self motivated
* Target oriented
* Proficient in English both oral and written.

II.HR Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male, max 40 years old
* Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Technical (preferred)
* Having min. 5 years experience in the related field is required for this position, especially on Retail Business (FMCG, Consumer Electronic, Gadget, Mobile Phone)
* Having knowledge of a wide range of people development concepts
* Having a good presentation and communication skill
* Proficient in English both oral and written.

III.Financial Analyst Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Provide analysis to support decisions in the commercial & marketing divisions, such as pricing analysis, inventory analysis, trade promo analysis etc
* Prepare monthly financial statement Analysis and seek areas of saving / productivity and make proposal to the Management
* Manage the Plan, Budget and Trends
* Conduct cost benefit analysis (ratio analysis)
* Control Commercial and Operating Expense within department or a project


* Female, max 30 years old
* Min. Bachelor degree graduates majoring in Accounting / Finance with min GPA 3.00
* Have at least 5 years experience in the similar position, especially in Electronic Retail Company
* Possesses strong analytical and negotiation skills
* Experience in developing and leading a department team are necessary
* Ability to effectively interact with marketing personnel and suppliers
* Commitment to improve processes, control and develop people
* Self motivated, independent, able to multi-task and work

IV.Supply Chain Manager - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male max 35 years old
* Min Bachelor Degree (S1)
* Having min. 3 years experience in the related field is required for this position, especially on Retail Business (FMCG, Consumer Electronic, Gadget, Mobile Phone)
* Having a good understanding on supply planning activities and SOP business processes and any relevant business processes
* Understanding of end to end supply chain functional areas
* Ability to think tactically and strategically
* Able to work in team and individually

V.Visual Merchandiser Coordinator - (Jakarta Raya)


* Male or Female max 30 years old
* Min. Bachelor Degree (S1)
* Having min. 3 years experience in the related field is required for this position, especially on Retail Business (FMCG, Consumer Electronic, Gadget, Mobile Phone)
* Familiar with visual merchandising activities
* Able with Adobe Photoshop and other design graphic software
* Creative, energetic, and high initiative
* Can work under pressure

Please send your complete resume to:

Dateline: 12 Agustus 2009
Read More - Electronic City


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


K u a l i f i k a s i :

* Wanita, usia max. 35 tahun.
* S1, Accounting & Tax
* Pengalaman min. 3-5 tahun dibidangnya
* Menguasai pembuatan laporan keuangan, perpajakan dan bisa berhubungan dengan orang pajak.
* Bisa berbahasa Inggris

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV lengkap & pasfoto terbaru ke :

Jl. Cideng Barat No. 39, Jakarta Pusat 10150
Email : sumacomatsumacom-matra.com
(cantumkan nama posisi pada subject email)


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


Tanggung Jawab:

* Menguasai Konsep Marketing dan Media Plan
* Menerapkan proses operasional, peraturan, kebijakan prosedur standar dan instruksi kerja yang sesuai dengan visi perusahaan serta kebutuhan operasional.
* Bertanggung jawab penuh aktifitas Marketing yang berada di wilayahnya.
* Mampu mengembangkan sistem pemasaran sesuai dengan target market yang ditetapkan.
* Memonitor dan mengevaluasi kinerja staf yang dipimpinnya.

Persyaratan :

* Pria / waita, Usia Max 35 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal Strata 1 (S1) dari Universitas ternama.
* Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di level Managerial di bidang marketing consumer goods.
* Berorientasi pada hasil, berfikir dan bertindak detail, mampu bekerja dengan baik dibawah tekanan.
* Memiliki kemampuan memotivasi yang baik dan mampu membangun tim marketing yang tangguh.
* Memiliki kemampuan memecahkan masalah, analisa dan negosiasi yang baik.
* Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik dan dapat menjalin komunikasi yang baik.
* Dapat menggunakan komputer, terutama menguasai MS Office.
* Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas dengan mobilitas yang tinggi.

PO BOX 1138 JKS 12011
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 99. Mampang Prapatan- Jaksel
atau email : hrdatkratingdaeng.co.id


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Brand Manager – Healthy Drinks


* Responsible to Open, seeks and analyze potentials in developing new business for Healthy Drinks product. As well as recommend (provide alternative development) and then made and secure the business opportunity for the company to obtain continuous business growth.
* Responsibilities include bringing new and fresh ideas in building brand concepts and strategies as to strengthen both brand awareness and equity of the company’s backboned brand in the market. In the function, he/she will be challenged to develop and integrate brand communication strategies, seek consumer insights, keep abreast with consumer knowledge and interest, likewise maintain high level of service relationship with related departments (Sales and Distribution, Manufacturing & Regulatory).


* Min Bachelor Degree
* Min GPA of 3,0
* Over 3 years experiences in Marketing Healthy Drinks product
* Computer illiterate especially Microsoft office
* Excellent in English, both oral and written, Impressive Mandarin / other language preferable
* Ability to build integral business concept and business implementation
* Ability to build business plan and marketing plan
* Ability to make production planning in daily, weekly or monthly

Qualified Candidates should apply in confidence to fmcgatmonroeconsulting.co.id or via this site.


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


Responsibility :

* Ability to Sell IT Services and Products
* Ability to Convince Clients and MUST have Good Negotiating Skills
* Responsible for all Sales and Marketing in Services and Products of the Company.

Job Requirements:

* Male or female under 35 years old
* Education Minimum D3 in IT/Business Related Subject
* Excellent in Communication and Presentation skills in English
* Minimum 1 years Relevant Experience in IT Products and Services Company
* Experience with a proven track record in High-activity IT software solution sales to the corporate/non-corporate market
* Strong experience selling software and services - web applications, custom solutions and applications
* Creative, Fast learner, Self-learning skill and High attention to detail is a MUST
* Think outside the square, Enthusiastic, High Energy and Goal and Results oriented
* Must be able to work under pressure, tight schedule and work Independently
* Having a vehicle would be a plus.

Successful candidate will earn an attractive figure salary per month (plus high bonuses on performance), Send you Resume to : Jobsatcalibreworks.com ( Marketing )

Applications should specify their earliest available date and expected salary


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


Requirement :

* Female
* Max 28 years old
* Min. D3 any Major
* Domicile Area in Bekasi
* Min. 2 years as Sales/Marketing Staff
* Customer Data Base Controller
* Price Controller
* Epte Acknowledge
* English is a must
* Computer Literate

Suitable applicants should write to the following address with enclosed CV and recent photograph to our e-mail : hr.recruit.divatgmail.com

Please indicate the position applied at the top left corner of envelop
only short listed candidates will be notified.


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :


Code: (EBDC)

The position is in charge of developing the export business, which include achieve a sales target by managing distributors ; work together with agent to seek any potential by adding new range of products; maintain price structure export range; handle customers’ inquiries, maintain customer relationship ; cross functional coordination, and involved for any related new product development

Job Requirements:

* University graduate in General Management, Marketing, Economy or Business Administration,
* Having minimum 3-4 years exposure in sales-marketing and or export and exposure in food industry/consumer goods will be advantage,
* Finance business commercial literate
* Self motivated
* Posses business savvy, strong presentation, sales, negotiation and influencing skills
* An organized, team approach
* Fluent in English is a must
* Having knowledge of export procedures would be an advantage,

We offer competitive compensation package and excellent career opportunities for successful applicant. Please submit your application letter, a concise resume, and photograph to the email address below within 2 (two) weeks from publication of this ad. Put the code of position (EBDC) on the email subject. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

E-mail : hrd_recruitmentatarnotts.com

Catatan : Pelamar/jobseeker diharuskan mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran langsung ke alamat kantor atau ke alamat email perusahaan.

Commonwealth Bank

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Head of Review Policy & Regulatory (HRR)

Required Qualifications and Skills:
* Demonstrate high service attitude with good analytical, judgment and problem solving skills
* High integrity, risk focus and attention to details
* Proactive and able to work cooperatively within a team, environment as well as peers and management
* Outstanding PC skills on Microsoft Office
* Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable university with GPA > 3.00
* Minimum 5 (five) years of experience in Banking Operation
* Advance knowledge on BI Regulation and related regulations
* Able to maintain good relationship with Government Institutions (BI/PPATK/Tax/KPK)
* Good people management and interpersonal skills
* Proficient in written and spoken English

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph (4X6) to:



Human Resources Department
Commonwealth Bank
P.O. Box 8367 JKSMP
Jakarta 12083
(Please put code HRR on the top left side of the envelope)

All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Read More - Commonwealth Bank

LG CNS Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

LG CNS Indonesia, as a foreign company focused in providing best IT consultant and solution in Indonesia. Currently, we are recruiting the following position:

Oracle ERP Functional Designer
(Jakarta Raya)


* Required Skills:
* Proficient in Oracle ERP Functional Module:
o PSP (Public Sector Budgeting)
o AP (Account Payable)
o AR (Account Receivables)
o CM (Cash Management)
o GL (General Ledger)
o PO (Purchase Order)
* Especially, knowledge on Budget preparation & Treasury
* At least 11-15 years of proven track records in similiar related fields
* Experiences at least more than 1 (one) time in R12 and R11 Project (Oracle)
* Demostrate comprehensive understanding familiarity with:
o Oracle ERP Financial
o Oracle Developer 2000 Forms
o Oracle Developer 2000 Report Designer
o Oracle XML Publisher
o Oracle Discoverer
o Oracle Workflow

* General Qualifications:

* At least Bachelor Degree or Master Degree (is an advantage) in information techology (IT) background
* Fluency in oral and written English and Bahasa Indonesia is required
* Experience in project management or similiar experience - preferable with a foreign company
* Preferable handle document management
* Strong analytical thinking and designing skills

* Oracle Financial Functional Consultant & PO Consultant is required (3-4 people)
* Especially business knowledge on budget preparation & treasury will be preferable
* Hyperion Implmentation experience in preferable
* Public Sector Finance experience is preferable
* Set up Financial Modules configuration
* Process Design of Module Development Management
* Prepare Functional Design
* Testing case, scenario development (functional side)
* Create Business workflow design
* Conduct change management (trainer training)
* Input suggestion and provide training of Standard templates and guide for Application Development

To apply for this position, please send your application with subject line "Oracle ERP FD" include detailed resume indicating clearly employment history and recent photo. Please stated your expected salary. Send to: hrdepartment@lgcns.co.id

Closing Date: 29-8-09
Read More - LG CNS Indonesia

PT Ajinomoto Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Ajinomoto Indonesia Group is a well known company with 3000 employees in all over Indonesia. Its business has started at 1969 by always making innovation at food and beverage products. For almost 40 years we commit to promote healthy life by giving delicious taste through our products such as AJI-NO-MOTO, Masako, Sajiku, Saori, Calpico, and Birdy.

IT Management Staff (IMS)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): Ms Windows 2003 server, Ms ISA 2006, Symantec.
* Preferred skill(s): Veritas Backup Exec., Ms SQL, any database software.
* Required language(s): English
* Preferably have an experience in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent. Job role in Management or Network/System Engineer.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply.

* (1) Provide support and solution for user Computer peripheral, software and network. (2) Perform and generate periodical report for preventive action, backup and monitoring activities for server and network devices. (3) Generate IT training for user consumable regarding to user daily activity.

Please send your complete application letter, CV, recent photograph with maximum 500kb (more than 500kb automatically deleted) not more than 2 weeks after this advertisement to:
(write IMS as an email subject)

HRD Dept PT Ajinomoto Indonesia
PO BOX 1019
JKU 14010
Closing Date: 30-8-09.
Read More - PT Ajinomoto Indonesia


The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Oil & Gas Job Vacancy

ConocoPhillips; Marine Engineer


ConocoPhillips is an international, integrated energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas, and operating in more than 40 countries.

As a Production Sharing Contractor for BPMIGAS, we operate many producing and exploration blocks in Indonesia. To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, ConocoPhillips is looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following positions:


Qualification & Experience:
• Education: BS in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering required, advanced degree in the same areas a plus.
• Candidate is expected to have solid technical understanding of the basic principles of naval architecture and/or ocean engineering; have 3~5 years of practical experience in oil or ship building industry; familiar with various types of offshore floating structures, especially FPSOs and FSOs. Pertinent experience in operation of FPSOs and FSOs is required.
• A minimum of a Chief Mate Class 1 Certificate of Competency with Tanker Endorsement (Oil).
• He is expected to have basic understanding of the design, fabrication and installation of offshore floating structures, such as semisubmersible, tension leg platforms and/or other types of floating structures, in addition to FPSOs and FSOs.
• In depth knowledge is required in the areas of vessel static and dynamic stability, hydrodynamics, vessel motion analysis and results interpretation, mooring design, installation and maintenance, principles and maintenance of flexible risers, turret and swivel, floating hoses, single point mooring buoys, marine hawsers, etc.
• Understanding of marine operations of working vessels, such as supply vessels, transportation barges and tugs is also required. He or she must be able to communicate in English with peers within COP and outside entities at sufficient technical levels.
• Experience in the use and auditing of Safety Management Systems as applied to Tankers.
• Strong leadership, interpersonal skill and team player with proactive approach to decision making process.
• A Tanker Endorsement (Gas) would also be desirable.

Main Responsibilities:
The successful candidate is expected to support all COPI s offshore installations in Indonesian waters in the area of marine operations. The main duties will include providing technical input to management in decision making process and to offshore installations, in the area of naval architecture and marine operations; organize/coordinate offshore marine operations and maintenance activities, communicate with marine and engineering contractors, marine warranty surveyor companies; regulatory agencies, such as DnV, ABS, and Bureau Veritas, and COP Houston experts on various marine operation and naval architecture related technical issues.

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply. Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement to:

Expiry date: August 12, 2009
Read More - ConocoPhillips

Arie Tour & Travel

Ticketing (FL - AT)
(Jawa Barat - Bekasi)
The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

* Female (Single), max 28 years old, a interesting
* Education Min D1 Tourism / Computers
* Experience as a Ticketing min 1 yr
* Ability to speak English oral & any posts with good and true
* Having the ability Abacus Reservation, Domestic & International (Basic, Tax & Fare)
* Not being bound by contract with other companies
* preferably domiciled Bekasi

Bagi anda yang ingin mengirimkan lamaran via email dapat langsung ke : aritra_hrd@yahoo.co.id

Closing Date: 17-8-09
Read More - Arie Tour & Travel

Garuda Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Garuda Indonesia to develop the wings through the various changes that have been made so far. Along with these changes, we open the opportunity for female to join Garuda Indonesia to become air hostess. Hospitality, expertise, dedication and integrity is a high priority to be a stewardess, therefore we offer a range of facilities and compensation of interest to those who meet the criteria. Do not chase wasted this opportunity, join with us soon.

Pramugari GA (Surabaya Area)
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya)


* Female.
* Good Looking.
* Age between 18 - 24 years.
* Not married.
* Education minimum SMU / Vocational.
* High body at least 160 cm & weight proportional
* Have good healthy and bespectacled or not contact lenses
* Ability to speak English well.

To aplly online pls Click here

Closing Date: 24-8-09
Read More - Garuda Indonesia

Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS)

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

Jobs vacancy Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS)

Following the acquisition of ABN AMRO businesses The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has rebranded ABN AMRO into RBS in November 2008. RBS has inherited the experience of 183 years being the oldest foreign bank in Indonesia with the widest spread areas in 10 major cities of major islands with 20 branch network in Indonesia: Bandung, Balikpapan, Denpasar, Jakarta, Manado, Makassar, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, and Solo.

RBS offers various financial services to its retail customers in Indonesia through personal finance, loan and investment products.
For more information please visit Our website in : www.rbs.com
At this moment, RBS in association with its authorized sales agencies invites you to apply for this immediate opening :

Sales Officer Consumer Finance (SOCF)
(Jakarta Raya)

* The ideal candidate should be a passionate hard-working individual who meets the following requirements:
o Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
o Working experience as direct sales would be an advantage.
o D3 graduates from any disciplines.
o Good appearance and personality.

* Job Description :
o Selling bank’s products (Office to Office), particularly Consumer Finance (Credit Card / Personal Loan), in order to meet sales target, aligned with applicable regulations.

Competitive compensation, benefit, attractive incentives combined with structured career path and development program awaits for successful applicants.

Your future awaits.

Please submit your complete resume by stating the position code on the email subject, to :

Closing Date: 21-8-09
Read More - Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS)

PT.ZTE Indonesia

The latest job info and career ) info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru :

PT ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE’s over 26,000 employees are working in more than 70 countries and regions in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in local market depending on our Indonesian large project demand, ZTE is looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant position of :

PLN Coordinator
(Jakarta Raya)

* Having good connection with PLN / Power Government Company is preferred
* Degree in Electrical Engineering or other Engineering is required
* At least 1 years experience in PLN / Power Government company
* Be able to work under pressure and tight deadline
* Action oriented, results driven, aggressive and persistent
* Energetic & Team Player
* Must be able to communicate effectively in English, proficiency in Mandarin would be an added advantage
* Willing to be based in Menado, Balikpapan, Makassar, Jakarta & Banjarmasin

* Collecting active members for AKLI
* Responsible to manage power PLN works from start survey, application until connection on site
* Getting standardfix connections price (BPUJL), temporary connection (Multiguna) price
* Schedule power instalation and connection
* Ensuring work application, bill of quantity survey and installation for power PLN is done as proper
* Be able to negotiate with subcontractot PLN/AKLI in term of budget oriented
* Coordination with subcontractor CME and subcontractor PLN/AKLI for work progress of application and installation work
* Be capable of identifying the possibility of PLN application and providing the real situation in the field
* Centralize billing payment

Forward your comprehensive resume and CV in English to :


Quoting job reference code in the subject or post them to:

PT.ZTE Indonesia
Gedung The East 27
Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 10220

Closing Date: 21-8-09
Read More - PT.ZTE Indonesia

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