Senin, 13 Oktober 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

CARE Indonesia, as an International Non Government Organization (INGO), has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit. CARE is currently recruiting the following position for its Project:


· Critically review the guidelines and result of the source suitability assesment carried out in two participating districts in Gorontalo during Jan and Feb 05 and, if necessary, give input to WSS in develop and improved version for the second implementation cycle based on local condition in Gorontalo.
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines and manual for Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA) of the existing water and sanitation based on local situation in Gorontalo, input and support to all CFs when requested. The guidelines should include a strategy for appropriate watershed management practices
· Provide input to the analysis of water quality test and suggest remedial measures as necessary based on local condition in Gorontalo. Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in developed guidelines and manual for water quality testing during and after the project implementation cycle.
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop a set of technical options and their associated cost and management implications (including operating cost and maintenance requirements) for improved water supply system at two participating district in Gorontalo based on the available natural resources, physical and geographical conditions in each participating district and the sosio-economic situation in the participating rural project site
· Assist each two participating district CFs in Gorontalo to select technically, managerially and financially feasible options for improved water supply system for each participating rural site based on WSS instructions. These options will be presented by CFs to the community to assist them to make informed choices.
· Provide necessary technical input into the development of a Community Action Plan, components, preparation of detail design drawings, and cost for non standard components of the improved water and sanitation system to two participating districts CFs in Gorontalo
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines for O&M plan (preventive maintenance and regular maintenance task, their frequency and manpower requirments) and associated cost for improved water and sanitation facilities
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines for setting water tarrifs for user of improved system
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines and manual for preparation of construction methods, schedule and labour management plan (includes indentification of skilled personel and, if necessary, small contractors) for improved water and sanitation facilities based on communities
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines and manual for construction supervision and quality control
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines and manual for preparation of Bill of Quantity and standards and specification for construction materials and facility components for improved water and sanitation system.
· Develop guidelines and manual for monitoring construction activities
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop guidelines and manual for environmental impact assessment of the improved water and sanitation facilities and/or prepare TOR for environmental assessment if consultant is required. Assist in the selecting consultant(s) if required and facilitate their work.. Review and comment on the CFs and/or consultant reports. Make sure that the suggested remedial measure are techincally, financially and culturally appropriate
· Provide technical advice and recommendations to rual and urban CFs in both participating districts during all stages of the project implementation as required baesd on WSS instructions
· Participate in development of management information system for SWASH
· Participate in data analysis and provide the necessary feedback into the project process
· Continuously monitor the work of teams and make appropriate recommendations for change in approach, strategy, new project material, new technology, training, etc.
· Participate in performance reviews
· Provide input to WSS for preparation of project reports and workplan(s)
· Assist WSS when requsted in preparation of training modules, identification of resources and training materials
· Participate in facilitating SWASH staff in Gorontalo (Care and partner NGO staff and GOI), and community training workshop as required
· Assist WSS when requsted in developing guidelines for technical sessions during the pre-implementation training workshop for SWASH staff. Assist in locating a resources person(s) if required and preparation of training modules
· Give an input and assist when requested to WSS in develop a training program for SWASH staff on design, construction management, O&M and environmental issues through the project based on staff capacity as assessed during the pre-implementation workshop

· Bachelor degree civil engineering
· 3 years minimum experiences, preferably in village’s sanitation water facility construction with gravity system and good understanding in water construction structure.
· Willing go to project site as assigned
· Has a good communication skills
· Has a good teamwork
· Able to operate computer programs
· Good in English will be an advantage

The position will be placed in Gorontalo and assigned in some area. CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and states the applied position in the email subject or on the left hand-side of the envelope.

Please submit your applications before 16 October 2007 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

“Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted”
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