Jumat, 22 Mei 2009


Experienced Qualification S1 above

General Qualifications:
-Minimum GPA 2.75 out of 4.00
-S1 Degree (S2/Master degree will be an advantage)
-At least 4 years experience in Oil and Gas/Geothermal Industry
-Willing to relocate to any of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau/ West Java)

Skill Requirements:
-Technical Proficiency related to education background and current/previous experiences
-Team player and relationship builder for personal results, personal and unit’s benefit
-Using company tools, processes and procedures
-Strong communications skills – orally and writing including presentation skills
-Customer focus
-Computer literacy (Office applications)
-Strong in taking initiative to prevent and resolve issues
-Good understanding of health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations
-Time Application:

Daily Discipline – arrival, departure, meetings, etc.
Meeting personal due dates for projects – usually short term by managing own time
Work Values:
-Accepting Chevron’s values
-Health, Environmental and Safety oriented
-Getting results through personal proficiency
-High-quality technical work
-Enjoy working in a multicultural and diverse organization

Experienced Qualification D3:
-Minimum GPA 2.75 out of 4.00
-D3 Degree Only
-At least 4 years experiences in Oil and Gas/Geothermal Industry
-Willing to relocate to any of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau/ West Java)

Skill Requirements:
-Technical Proficiency related to education background and current/previous experiences
-Team player and relationship builder for personal results, personal and unit’s benefit
-Using company tools, processes and procedures
-Strong communications skills – orally and writing including presentation skills
-Customer focus
-Computer literacy (Office applications)
-Strong in taking initiative to prevent and resolve issues
-Good understanding of health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations

Time Application:
-Daily Discipline – arrival, departure, meetings, etc.
-Meeting personal due dates for projects – usually short term by managing own time

Work Values:
-Accepting Chevron’s values
-Health, Environmental and Safety oriented
-Getting results through personal proficiency
-High-quality technical work
-Enjoy working in a multicultural and diverse organization

Job Title:
S2 Law (business law, international business law, or LLM)
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Petroleum Engineer (PE-EXP/PE-EVERGREE N)
S1 Petroleum Engineer, Chemical Engineer or Mechanical Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

S1 Geology Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

S1 Geophysics Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Drilling & Completion Engineer (DC-EXP/DC-EVERGREE N)
S1 Petroleum Engineer, Mechanical Engineer or Chemical Engineer
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Facility Engineer (FE-EXP/FE-EVERGREE N)
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation or Physics Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

S1 Informatics, Computer Science, Information System, Computer Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene/K3, Industrial
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Chemical
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

HR Specialist/Counselo r (HR-EXP/RS-EVERGREE N)
S1 Human Resources Management, Law, Psychology or Industrial Engineering
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

S1 Accounting, Finance, Business Economics or Economics Management
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

PR/Communication Specialist (PGPA-EXP/PRCS- EVERGREEN)
S1 Communications, Public Relations, Journalistic or Social Science
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Operator/Technician (OPS-EXP/TO- EVERGREEN)
D3 Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Instrumentation
East Kalimantan,Riau, West Java

Please Browse http://chevron.experd.com/vacant.php To apply.
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