Minggu, 30 November 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

International Development Law Organization
IDLO is an international organization with a mandate to promote the Rule of Law and good governance in developing countries, countries in economic transition and countries emerging from post-conflict situations.
Closing date: 15 Dec 2008
Location: Indonesia

Based at IDLO?s Project Office in Aceh, Indonesia, and reporting to the IDLO JET Programme Manager based in either Sydney or Rome, the International Team Leader will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of a project training judicial and non-judicial personnel of the General Courts of Aceh, as well as the computerization of the case management system of the General Courts. The International Team Leader will supervise and manage full-time Aceh based personnel and Aceh and non-Aceh based short-term consultants, and the Project Management Unit responsible for the day-to-day implementation of project activities. Duties will also include regular narrative and financial reporting and regular travel to Jakarta for consultations with UNDP and other relevant institutions, including the Supreme Court of Indonesia, to discuss technical components of the project. Other related duties will be advised at the time of the interview.

Required Qualifications:
- Bachelor?s degree from accredited university;
- Minimum of 7 years of work experience, including in managing justice sector project and small team units;
- Understanding of the Shari?a Law system;
- Ability to communicate skills and experiences to others as a team leader, advisor and consultant;
- Ability to manage multiple personnel and delegate responsibilities, accordingly;
- Proven financial management skills;
- Excellent oral and written English communication skills;
- Excellent analytical skills;
- Superior negotiation and interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity to effectively communicate and interact with policy makers, members of donor organizations, all levels of staff, as well as local and foreign government personnel;
- Typing and basic computer skills, including word processing and spreadsheet applications; and
- Ability to function effectively in an adverse environment.

Preferred Requirements:
- Experience in designing, managing and implementing projects;
- Experience developing policies and procedures;
- Recent experience in legal or judicial reform in developing and post-conflict countries;
- Experience working overseas, especially in post-conflict or hardship environments;
- Familiarity with the judicial system of Aceh and the various Acehnese Ministries and judicial actors;
- Knowledge of Indonesian history, culture, institutions and structures; and
- Indonesian language capabilities.
How to apply
Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae and salary history, with the names and full contact details of at least two referees (reference checks will not take place without applicant?s consent) to:
Nicole Hoagland, Project Assistant
IDLO, Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, 2 Talfourd St, Glebe, NSW, Australia 2037
Fax: +61 2 8585 6767 / Email: nhoagland@idlo.int / Ref: ?AI International Team Leader? in subject line.
Reference Code: RW_7LRKDZ-84
Source: Reliefweb
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