Selasa, 25 November 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

The World Bank Office Jakarta – Finance and Private Sector
Development Unit is seeking candidates to fill the position of Data

The Data Analyst will support the analysis of the Access to Finance
survey and is expected to work for maximum 60 days under the
supervision of the Access to Finance team.
The main tasks are included the following but not limited to:
- To prepare regression table and interpretation for the
survey report.
- To collect and prepare socio-economic database of the survey
locations using the BPS data and other statistics sources.
- To prepare the presentation slide and to write the findings
- To present the data analysis result and prepare the short
write-up from the survey dataset

The Data Analyst should have the following qualifications:
- Master Degree in Economics or Statistics
- Excellent knowledge and skills of econometric and
statistical analysis techniques, and statistical software especially
- Advance knowledge on the quantitative survey technique
- Ability to interpret, analyze, and present the statistical
information is must
- Familiarity with data statistics in general, particularly
from BPS
- Preferably min. 2 years relevant experiences
- Fluency in English both written and verbal

Written application including CV and references should be submitted
no later than December 15th, 2008 to: ckusharto@worldbank .org
quoting "Data Analyst" in the subject of the email

Application will be treated confidentially and only short-listed
candidates will receive responses
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