Selasa, 20 Januari 2009


The latest job info and career ( info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru):

Lowongan kerja Minyak & Gas


1. Exploration Team Leader with extensive experience in Oil and Gas.

The Exploration Team Leader will be part of a small G&G team based in Jakarta. The main function of this position will be to evaluate exploration assets and generate new, and evaluate existing, exploration opportunities in Indonesia. The successful candidate will have extensive technical knowledge of the basins in the region and should have current knowledge of area activity.
The successful candidate will be a creative team player and a self-starter with strong communication skills.

Key responsibilities include:

• Play and prospect evaluation, generation and recommendations to management.
• Evaluation of new ventures at the exploration level and/or development/production level.
• Good knowledge of all aspects of geological studies from early stage exploration to development stages.
• Preparation/presentation of technical material to the company s management, partner(s) and government officials.
• Supervision of all aspects of geology during Exploration/Appraisal drilling as required.


• Minimum 10-15 years of oil and gas industry experience.
• MSc or PhD degree in geology or closely related field.
• Asia/South East Asia experience essential in particularly for Indonesia.
• Must be very familiar with all aspects relating to exploration geology, tools and methods, log evaluation and basin modelling including close interface with 2D and 3D seismic.
• Experience in 2D/3D workstation interpretation and/or PC geological software tools. Understanding of aspects relating to development geology/field development plans a plus.
• Good knowledge of industry standard geological software.
• Team player and self-starter.

2. Exploration Geoscientist with extensive experience in Oil and Gas.

• Analyze exploration and development opportunities using appropriate data & technologies (including 2D & 3D seismic, production data, petrophysical data core data, etc.).
• Construct depositional system models, incorporating seismic, petrological, and petrophysical data to form fully integrated geologic analysis.
• Develop recommendations for exploration, appraisal, & development wells.
• Conduct both technical & commercial risk analysis on the basis of available information & recommend appropriate action.
• Able to work in a multidiscipline asset team environment.
• Work with landmen, geophysical, petrophysical, petrological advisors to coordinate with reservoir, drilling, & production engineers to integrate appropriate information into thorough economic analyses of exploration & development projects.
• Work with drilling departments to calculate paths for horizontal appraisal & development wells & to assess potential drilling hazards associated with these wells.


• Minimum 10-15 years of oil and gas industry experience.
• MSc or PhD degree in geology or closely related field.
• Asia/South East Asia experience essential in particularly for Indonesia.
• Familiar with all aspects relating to exploration geology, tools and methods, log evaluation and basin modelling including close interface with 2D and 3D seismic.
• Experience in 2D/3D workstation interpretation and/or PC geological software tools. Understanding of aspects relating to development geology/field development.
• Good knowledge of industry standard geological software.

Please forward a copy of your resume to :
Expiry date: January 30, 2009
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