Jumat, 06 Februari 2009


The latest job info and career ( info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru ):

UN Job Vacancy: UN OCHA
Disaster Monitoring Intern

Post Title: Disaster Monitoring Intern
Duty Station: Jakarta
Duration of assignment: Two months
Starting date: Immediately (9 February)
Direct Supervisor: Emergency Response Officer UN OCHA

UN OCHA, embedded to UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator (UN RC/HC)
Office, intends to increase its data management capacity in order to
enhance the quality of information management products. As there are many
disasters across the country, and the situation is expected to remain the
same for the next several months, data collection process of disasters and
their responses should be conducted in timely and effective manner. A
person dedicated to collect all relevant data regarding disaster
occurrences and responses have been made by government institutions,
non-government organizations or other humanitarian actors will play
crucial role in producing the OCHA information products, such as Situation
Report, Humanitarian Updates and maps.

As there has been a growing interest among university students to learn
more about the UN system, UN OCHA would like to provide an internship
opportunity for one Indonesian university student to support the office.
Under the internship programme, the intern will not receive entitlements
as those regular staff (please the attached internship form). At the end
of the programme, intern is expected to write a report on their activities
in the office. A reference letter will be given by the office based on
their work performances during the programme.


Under the supervision of the UNDP Communication Manager, the intern is
expected to:
· Collect data of disaster and responses from various sources,
including government, other humanitarian actors and media
· Based on data collected, provide daily brief update on disaster
· Provide information immediately if there is major unfilled gap
between the response and the needs of disaster survivors or disaster
affected populations.
· Collect other relevant data for information management products.
· Assist as and when necessary in other data management activities
undertaken by OCHA and/or the United Nations RC/HC office, including 3W
(Who does What Where) database.
· Participate in OCHA coordination fora and perform necessary follow
up on data management.
· Participate in thematic meetings conducted by OCHA, other UN
agencies or other humanitarian organizations.
· Assist in providing information needed for training module.

· Indonesian national currently enrolled or just graduated with a
degree in communication, social, international relations or other related
· Excellent working knowledge of written and spoken English and
· Computer literacy.
· Relevant working experiences will be an advantage.
· Willingness to work in a demanding, deadline-oriented environment.

· Considerable amount of working hour will be out of office to meet
with government and non-government officials in Jakarta

Please send your application to rahardja@un.org
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