Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Regional Section

The latest job info and career ( info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru ):

Development Job Vacancy: United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Regional Section
Project Manager

Project Title: Local Government's mobilization and backing for the development and implementation of a global and comprehensive post-2012 climate change agreement

Position title: Project Manager
Duty station: Jakarta
Estimated starting date: February 2009
Duration of assignment: 18 months

The United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific Regional Section (UCLG ASPAC) was founded in 2004 and is one of the eight regional sections of UCLG the largest Local Government organization in the World. Its mission is to be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests through co-operation between Local Governments and within the wider international community.

UCLG ASPAC addresses all aspects relevant to sustainable development and is increasingly concerned about matters
dealing with climate change. In close co-operation with ICLEI, it aims to carry out an EC funded project which supports the mobilization of local governments for the development and implementation of a global and comprehensive post-2012 climate change agreement.

Specific objectives of the project are related to the capacity building of Local Governments in their local climate action work, their involvement in the national and international climate debate as well as their efforts in advocating for strong climate protection targets and implementation mechanisms.

General Functions
Under the direct supervision of the Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, the Project Manager is responsible and
accountable for the overall management and coordination of the project. The successful candidate will liaise with
and co-operate with the General Manager and functional Managers in the Regional Secretariat. Furthermore he/she will establish co-operation with selected Local Governments and respectiveLocal Government Associations as well as relevant National Government agencies in order to achieve the objectives.

Specific Responsibilities
In particular he/she will be responsible for:

a. Conducting a review of existing documentation and other available information sources on the UNFCCC roadmap process
b. Preparing presentation materials which demonstrate the process and actual stage of the international and domestic climate debate and describe the project features
c. Identifying 10-20 eligible cities for intensive and "light" co-operation in close consultation with the respective Local Government Associations
d. Organizing information campaigns for selected Local Governments related to climate change and project supported activities
e. Preparing comprehensive documentation comprising a set of up-to-date arguments, facts, relevant case studies and best practices at the local level
f. Facilitating the formulation of Local
Governments/Local Government Associations positions and proposals for
a substantive national dialogue and post-2012 climate agreement
g. Establishing and maintaining liaison with national government authorities, such as the Ministry of Environment and National Planning Board (BAPPENAS), and other stakeholders relevant to UCLG ASPAC's mandate and operation
h. Organizing national seminars, conferences
or round table discussions with representatives of National and Local
Governments on climate protection issues/UNFCCC roadmap process, positioning of Local Governments and the development of a common platform
i. Facilitating the development of local climate action plans accommodating the use of renewable energy, reduction of energy consumption and increase of energy efficiency at local level
j. Assisting local governments in implementing and documenting innovative practices for climate protection
k. Developing a media network that makes releases on project relevant issues at regular intervals
l. Establishing a pool of climate experts to support capacity building measures for Local Governments
m. Facilitating the selection and briefing of Local Government representatives as part of COP 15
n. Facilitating the signing of the World Mayors and Local Climate Protection Agreement by Local Governments
o. Organizing de-brief of the delegation after COP 15 and determining follow-up measures
p. Developing a mailing list of Local Governments, Local Government Associations, National Government Agencies, Climate Experts and related stakeholders
q. Producing a bi-monthly "climate change" newsletter for Local Governments
r. Providing regular inputs to the websites managed by UCLG ASPAC and ICLEI, World
s. Preparing project presentations on the occasion of regional UCLG ASPAC meetings or conferences
t. Producing and submitting inception report, progress reports and final project report
u. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC

Required qualifications and experience:

* University degree (Masters or Ph.D.) in field related to climate
change, environmental science, ecology or urban planning
* At least 7-10 years of professional experience in designing and managing sustainable urban development programs or projects in liaison with high ranking or senior government officials
* Extensive knowledge of the global and national climate debate
* Profound understanding of the legislative and administrative structures and procedures of Indonesia
* Previous work experience in or with international organizations in Asia Pacific is a distinct advantage
* Demonstrated ability to develop and deliver realistic plans, observing standards and timeliness
* Proven ability to prepare clear and concise reports
* High degree of computer literacy with excellent command of MS-office
* Excellent communication skills
* Thorough command of English language incl. strong writing and presentation skills
* Ability to work in an international team

Application and Deadline
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to:

UCLG ASPAC, Gedung Mitra Praja Lt. 2
Jl. Sunter Permai Raya no. 1
Jakarta 14350
fax : 021-6408449

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