Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009


The latest job info and career ( info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru):
Construction Engineer


To function as the lead engineer for construction phase activities associated with construction safety, QA/QC and work execution. Supports project key objectives during construction to ensure that project objects are accomplished during execution.
Coordinate contractor oversight activities during the execution phase of the project.
Coordinates the review and approval of Contractors execution phase procedures (e.g., site mobilization, safety and safety training, QA/QC, site materials management, marine operations, etc.)
Ensure and participate in quality assurance verification activities and audits in the design office and the field.
Provide required technical input to field non-conformance reports (NCR's) and butt list items during construction and commissioning phases.
Physically verify that facilities are constructed in accordance with the Job Specification prior to turnover.
Assist Construction Superintendent with coordination of project construction activities with Operations and Maintenance.
Develop progress and resolve construction technical queries.
Ensure timely development of commissioning and startup procedures.
Participate in Constructability, Design and Risk Reviews during the project phases and ensures that Reviews finding assigned to Construction department are addressed and closed out.
Ensure that Constructability, Design and Risk Ensure the Company supplied materials have been procured, warehoused and delivered.
Work with the project materials specialist to ensure all material meet specification and are delivered to the construction sites on time.
Provide field cost monitoring to the Project Engineer.
Ensure that permits, regulatory/statuary obligations and notifications are in place before the start of construction.
In conjunction with Design and Project Engineers, input to the PEP as required
Ensure agreed corrective actions are taken and monitor progress to closeout.
Review, endorse and assist the Project Engineer with Contractor's change orders during the construction phase of the project.
Assist Project Engineer with as-built drawings, project data books, spare parts listings, etc.
Review and obtain approvals of all critical lift plans and other engineered construction activities.
Evaluate the Contractor's construction planning and scheduling.
Review/confirm that all Vendor-supplied or prefabricated equipment delivered to the job site meets all specification and inspection requirements prior to installation.
Coordinate punch listing of systems and ensure timely corrective actions.

5+ years experience in oil and gas operations / projects
Competent understanding of field construction activities
Understanding of OIMS requirements
Understanding of production facilities

University degree in Engineering (Qualified Professional Engineer)
Click to Apply
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