Senin, 22 Desember 2008


Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan, lamaran, peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :

Geology Graduates Apply!

Geoservices is a technology driven world leader in the oil field services market. Founded in France in 1958 as a mud logging company, the organization has grown close to 5000 people in 52 countries. In terms of market share today we rank worldwide as number one for mud logging and number two for well intervention services. Field surveillance makes up a smaller yet still important part of our business portfolio. Over the last several years we have experienced unprecedented growth globally and we are currently preparing for continuous growth in the coming years.

If you are recent graduate of Geology this is your chance to join the oil and gas industry and gain valuable experience with the world leader in Mud Logging.

This is an entry level position and a great opportunity to advance quickly and the possibility to work internationally.

Mud Logger Trainee
(Jakarta Raya)

* Strong English skills
* Driven, motivated and eager to succeed.
* Recent Graduate
* Degree in Geology or Petroleum Engineering

Geoservices offers exciting career prospects and the opportunity to join a leader in the oil and gas industry. Please visit our website for more about our global activities and for more about working with us. Geoservices is an equal opportunity employer, and we invite all qualified candidates to apply.
Closing Date: 16-1-09
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